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Comment Re:US laws are not the best (Score 1) 582

As someone said, COMMIE!

Seriously, we have a huge problem with illegal immigration in this country. They don't have that issue in the EU or in Japan. Asking me to pay taxes to support illegal immigrants is wrong.

To be clear, I don't agree with a socialist health care system. However, I recognize that this is a difference of degrees, and thinking people can agree to disagree. But going the next step of paying for someone who is here illegally is just wrong, as in "free speech" wrong, not "speeding ticket" wrong.


Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 412

I'm not sure how you got modded "insightful". There's nothing in libertarianism that says corporations should be allowed to operate unhindered.

I have no problem with wealthy individuals exercising greater influence *legally*, e.g. they can run ads to voice an opinion (something I can' really compete with). That doesn't bother me.

However, that has nothing to do with the corporatism. Corporations are not real - they are legal fictions, nothing more. As a libertarian, I have no ethical or other issues with restricting "corporate rights". Personally, I think corporations should be completely forbidden from operating in politics. Absolutely no voice, no opinion, no say.

So please stop kicking my libertarian horse - it's not a fascist horse. :-)


Comment Re:465 Million $ loan?? (Score 1) 248

"The massive government spending that occurred to produce all the crap for WWII is the only thing that got us out of the depression."

What a load of crap. People say that all the time, some of them people with degrees, and it's still a load of crap.

Ok, I'm wrong you say? Fine. Let's get out of our recession the WWII way. We'll build tens of thousands of sherman tanks, p51 mustangs (corsair was better!), and assorted other vehicles. Another 70 aircraft carriers of various sizes, and supporting battleships, cruisers, destroyers. Add in lots of m1 rifles, 155mm howitzers, 40mm anti-tank guns, etc, and millions of tons of ammunition for all of it.

Oh, and let's take a bunch of boys and men aged 17-35 out of the workforce and send them to concentration camps for many months, forcing them to diet and exercise. Then we'll take a small percentage of them and shoot them.

There, the world war II plan to cure a depression. You people need to learn to employ basic thinking skills once in awhile.


Comment Re:Outstanding. (Score 1) 454

The cop left the premises, the Prof followed him outside and put his hand on the cop. Big difference.

The professor was simply being immature:

a) he should have been delighted that a cop showed-up to protect his property. I would have been.

b) He was in full control. All he had to do was produce a license and the cop would have went on his way. There never would have been a situation.

Instead the professor postured, took it too far, and a situation that should never have happened occured. The professor was simply immature and should grow up.


Comment Re:Depressing, but not uncommon (Score 1) 1251

Define "unemployed" in scandinavia.

The reason I ask is that I recently looked this up in some other countries, and found that people who simply did not get a job for a period of time (say, 2 years) were removed from the category "unemployed" and placed in a new category "unemployable". It really helps the numbers when you do that.


Comment Re:The republic of science (Score 1) 791

Wikipedia is fun for casual knowledge, but horrible for contoversial subjects.

As for data, my father worked at NASA on the polar and wind satellite projects, among others. The temperatures on the earth have been steady or falling now for a decade.

Also, again the code and data used to show the alleged human connection between co2 and temperature change is hidden. When people hide their methods, it is no longer science.

Comment Re:The republic of science (Score 1) 791

Ive done research. Conviently, the code used to do the modelling is kept hidden, as is the data fed into the code. The data used to show global warming is cherry-picked and extrapolated to a large extent.

Finally, and this is the point most telling to me, the proponents of the global warming hypothesis comsistanly use labelling and other semantic tricks in their arguments - eg use "rational" to imply those who disagree are somehow irrational. If the science were sound, such verbal sparring would not be needed.

Comment Re:The republic of science (Score 1) 791

- The globe is warming.

Show me the numbers since '98. Please include the source and how they were determined and measured, along with inconsistancies, judgement calls, and how those were made.

- Most of the warming is due to CO2 emmissions

Show me the evidence, including the data used and any source code used in the modelling process.

- Ignoring the problem is not a rational option.

Presuming there is a problem, ignoring it is most certainly the most rational option. I'm certainly not willing to put my fate in the hands of a few people who seem to think money grows on trees.


Comment Actions speak louder than words (Score 0, Troll) 539

Stop talking and do something. You leave this vague, but if it's code, write something. If it's real-world - e.g. an addition to an engine - build a model of some kind.

If you lack the skills to do any of this, than your idea is likely worthless because you likely have no clue what you're talking about.


Comment Re:They should have found a more appropriate charg (Score 1) 420

"Beyond that, Lori Drew wasn't even the one who wrote the messages that set Meagan off. Another teenager testified at Lori Drew's trial that she (the other teenager) had also had access to the account and had written the final messages."

While I am happy with the verdict in this case, your statement is off. Lori Drew was the adult in that situation - she was responsible.


Comment Re:outsourcing and unemployment (Score 1) 1144

My suggestion - pick items from the resume that grab you and probe them a bit on those, e.g. ask them about their oracle experience and what specifically they did. As you converse with them, you will bring their experiences to their mind. Then ask them the more specific questions.

Btw, I do agree that our universities do a lousy job training people these days. But I think a quick interview can be intimidating to a kid out of college, and there's no point rejecting someone just because they don't quite have experience under pressure. That's something you learn over time.


Comment Re:Hopefully It'll Just Go Away (Score 1) 317

"...than having to present papers whenever you cross any political boundary inside the United States."

Where is that written? I don't recall that as part of the real id act. Note from the article:

"The new plan keeps elements of Real ID, such as requiring a digital photograph, signature and machine-readable features such as a bar code. States also will still need to verify applicants' identities and legal status by checking federal immigration, Social Security and State Department databases.

But it eliminates demands for new databases -- linked through a national data hub -- that would allow all states to store and cross-check such information, and a requirement that motor vehicle departments verify birth certificates with originating agencies, a bid to fight identity theft."

That latter part was what interested me. In maryland we have a huge problem with illegal immigrants - there were stories of people getting driver's licenses sharing a stated address with 800 other people. Then, having found the state with the weakest laws, the illegals can then pass themselves off as legal citizens anywhere in the US, abusing services without paying taxes.

Just to be clear, my only issue here is *illegal* immigration. I don't care one way or another about immigrants (my wife is an immigrant), but I do care about people paying their fair share. Beyond the money, there's a difference between a person who is simply using a system rather than participating in a system. The latter implies responsibility, which is an important component in life (IMO, of course).


Comment Re:They let anyone on these days... (Score 1) 178

We could say the same in reverse - people playing a game with the rules as written, following the design intent of the game and in no way exploiting, should not be subject to the word "griefer". It's a shame that maladjusted people who simply can not handle losing feel a need to badmouth others.


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