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Comment Re:I couldn't get Javascript at all (Score 2) 222

Coming from the Objective-C and Swift world I get you. Coming into the language with no prior experience with it leaves a sour taste in your mouth. It didnt take me too long to figure out I would hate it with a passion. The languages is deceptive. DOM is deceptive and unforgiving for those that have never worked with. It sucks. Why do I have to install Typescript just so I can use Javascript?

Javascript has no classes (while at the same time, trying to pretend that it does). To your point about array, Javascript arrays aren't really arrays - that is, it's not a list of items. JS defines these as 'associate arrays', meaning that they can be whatever they dev wants it to be. You can also divide arrays by each other and there will be no compiler error or it might not even crash. You will still get an answer to what is in the 'array' but it won't be right. The program might crash 1,000 lines later but there is no way to trace the problem. How do you even debug a large application? I couldn't even find a method to see if an array contained a specific item, or to get the number of items in it or to test if it was empty. The " == " operator isn't what you think it is.

Where's the basic data structures? Classes? Not on your life. Inheritance? (of a different kind). Reading from and writing to files is awful. Especially when reading files other that contain other things such as data streams(i.e. pdfs, general binary data, etc).

They need to completely start over, get all the browsers to agree on a standard and force people to stop supporting older versions and upgrade to the new standard. Establish a consortium. Until then, I'm not trying again. I'll go back to Swift.

Comment Re:So, they're killing the Mac (Score 1) 247

what about the Macbook Pro? They've thinned that out to where its just a shell of what it once was. I still have my 17" that had a headphone jack, SD card slot, a great GPU(for its time) , 4 USB slots , etc etc.

When did macbook pro users ever say anything about losing function or useless form?

Submission + - AIM Will Be Discontinued On December 15th, 2017

Cutting_Crew writes: Along with Yahoo messenger, MSN Messenger and ICQ, I used AIM extensively(without an AOL subscription of course). AIM will finally come to a halt on December 15th, 2017 as reported a few months ago and explained in AOL fashion over on their website .

I remember using it to keep it touch with friends, co-workers and yes, even tried dating back in the day using the Looking for love" feature not only available to AOL subscribers but also extended to AIM users as well.

Any memories you want to share?

Comment Popular Vote not the answer. (Score 2) 1081

There was roughly 120 Million votes cast this election. Hillary only has trump beat by 207,000 votes... out of 120 million. Thats insane. 0.002% difference. The reason that is even this close are the huge cities for the Democrats on the coasts. I think the current electoral college doesnt allow for every vote to count as well the popular vote because the larger cities would basically always decide the election.

The best way for every single vote to count is to provide a way for all candidate to take partial electoral votes based on the number of votes you got in each state. So for California, 55 Electoral votes, Hillary: 61%, Trump: 33%. That would give Hillary 33.55 electoral votes and Trump 18.15 votes. I know that leaves up partial percentage points but I'm fine with it. This way every single vote matters in each state.

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