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Comment Re:WTF (Score -1, Troll) 297

At their own risk, indeed. Many (not all I admit) sceptic scientists have been publishing good solid work "at their own risk", but there is no one there to protect them when they are bullied, harassed, rejected, fired.

The science is hard to get through some folks heads, even many scientists. Confirmation bias exists, on both sides of the debate.

You can take your hurt feelings about duplicity and personal attacks and look in a mirror. Read my first line.

Cherry picking is done all over the place. Especially in climate science and especially by the alarmist side of the debate.

Talking about money, how are those billions of dollars in grant money comparing to a few million dollars budget of sceptical organisations like the heartland institute?

"Passivity"... REALLY!?!?!?!?\
Alarmists and green organisations are DOWN RIGHT AGGRESSIVE. They always have been.
They call for no less than:

- The death penalty
- Jail time for people expressing their opinions
- Murder
- Exploding heads of those who dont tow the line (look at the propaganda video)

And you go and call this law suit the end of passivity? How you people look at yourselves in the mirror everyday shocks me.

You want to talk about lies and downright BAD scientific research, here is a recent example:

Comment Re:Hypocrites, liars and communists. (Score 1) 441

And we are supposed to take you seriously when you post this kind of drivel?

Broke the chart? Its childish scaremongering.

The temperature increase is 0.09C, that is why they have converted to using "Ocean Heat Content" instead of temperatures and created an elaborate story to explain why joules (which is meaningless) is their new way to scaring people instead of the actual temperature increase.

Comment Re:Hypocrites, liars and communists. (Score 1) 441

This is unfortunately getting boring because you obviously know nothing on the subject but talking points and really dont care about the subject matter, other than wanting to "win points" for being right.

1. It doesnt need to be disproven, it has not been proven. A very very shaky theory was put forth, seemingly supported by some data. However, it is up to the authors to actually make follow up papers using empirical data from observations supporting their theory or to just drop it.

2. There is no debate from you. All the scientists on the AGW side, follow a mantra, very few argue with each other, they toe the line. The rebuttals HAVE to come from the other side, but you will ignore them BECAUSE... right wing... Which is a term that just makes no real sense outside of the US. You do not care for an actual source.

3. I didint mention water vapor, you did. Do you even "f**king" know what a strawman argument is? You are an example. Everyone of your posts has had at least 1 strawman argument. Look it up.

4. About skeptics and goal posts. Its easy to put everyone who disagrees with AGW theories in 1 basket. When in fact there are 2,3,5, 10 baskets. Yes, some denied it even was warming, some still do. But many of the current prominent skeptics where actually climate scientists who where part of the IPCC in AR1 or 2. They have come to see how wrong the AGW theories are and are trying to show this scientificaly. You wont listen to them, because? Your side is "righteous"!!!

5. Nice one about the publishing. They publish ALL THE TIME on the internet. But you ignore them because its not "peer reviewed". So... re-read your self and lets see if your circular reasoning and idiotic thinking makes your head explode.

6. Rush limbaug?? WHO the... what the fuck...?? Why would you bring that idiot up?

7. So what if Australia had a hot summer, you damn idiot. Weather isnt climate RIGHT??? RIGHT???? Fuck, you cant even follow your own instructions.

8. Considering all the points about, your last sentence is hollow. You have no beliefs, as you are completely ignorant on the matter. You also have no idea which leg to stand on and what kind of shit to fling. Stop debating, start reading.

Comment Re:call me skeptical (Score 1) 360

It will be my pleasure to edumicate you sir.
Error Bar

This is from the NOAA Global Analysis - Annual 2014.

In the above, there is a section called TOP 10 Warmest Years (1988 to 2014).

The anomaly is the divergence from the 20th century average, which is how they compare the global mean temps for one year to each other.

2014 is warmer by 0.04c compared to 2010 and 2005.

If you look further down, it shows the global mean temp for 2014, January to December.
It shows the anomaly in C (+0.69) and next to it you will see a + and - indication, that is the ERROR BAR. The error bar is 0.09C.

So to recap. 2014 is the WARMIEST of all the super duper warm years. By 0.04C. But the error can be + or - 0.09C. You see, 0.04C gets wiped right out by the error bar.

Your bank account is NOT a good comparison example. Because it is hard currency, there is no error bar. The bank will never say, you havea 1000$ in your savings account, + or - 50$.

Now, if you pay close attention to the anomalies for top 10 warmest years, you will find that they all, from 10 to 1 fall within the error bars of the empirical data.

The reason for error bars is, there is no way to be sure with 100% certainty down to a hundredth of a degree C what the global mean temp is. Its scientifically impossible with current technologies and measurements.

Now, one last thing. And probably the most important.

Hidden in the supplemental information, found here:

The NOAA's NCDC states that the change of 2014 being the warmest year on record is 48%.

48% in NCDC speak means "MORE UNLIKELY THAN LIKELY".

Meaning, "we honestly believe, it was NOT the warmest year on record".
That should have been the first thing on the front page of the report. However, they preferred their report to mislead, so as to get alarmist headlines in the news.

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