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Comment Re:This is a Canadian story, but (Score 1) 297

"This has nothing to do with the scientific method. This is about protecting debate in the public sphere and I do think it protects it. Consider if you were a climate scientist with a completely impeccable record. How willing would you be to make some high profile statements on your research, knowing that powerful media interests would immediately start dragging your name through the mud and trying to turn you into a pariah and a magnet for crazies?"

Indeed. Now do you understand how its so hard for those who are skeptical of mainstream climate science to come out of the closet?

Even when it isn't true, they are called shills for the oil industry, slandered, dragged through the mud and marginalized.

If you had a career and a family, would you take that risk?

Climate science isn't being politicized, it has been from the early 1980's.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 297

And I quite like your ad hominem attacks.

It is indeed hilarious that you would dismiss climateaudit because of your preconceived bias, instead of look at the article, and original study and make up your own mind about the facts.

You're spouting nonsense propaganda and slandering a website in a thread about defamation and slander.

CLIMATEaudit is a blog about climate science (be it skeptical or not) it has nothing to do with Big Tobacco and you know it. There are no BIG tobacco articles on that site.

Calling a Canadian science site a GOP shill, just shows your lack of intelligence and integrity. There is no such thing as the GOP in Canada.

Now, are you going to be a reasonable person and do your own research before spouting your hatred again? Or are you going to go back to sks, or desmogblog to look up a talking point to throw back at me?

Comment Re:WTF (Score 4, Informative) 297

The Video in question:

Jail for deniers:

Comment by Bluecloud
There are many more... some directly from Greenpeace. But I'll let you do your own research.

Death penalty:

Comment Re:"Exploding heads" (Score 0) 297

This article was about slander and defamation of character. (which BTW, I did not read the offending articles, but trust that the Canadian judge punished the NP rightfully. I know how much mud slinging is done on both sides, and especially the NP).

So my comments are pretty much on topic. Especially in reply to the anonymous cowards post.

If you have nothing to say about my claims, then I think you should have just shut up. Because it makes you look petty and desperate.

Unless you agree with all the despicable things I attribute to (some) extremists in the alarmist camps.
In that case, you have no defence, so you resorted to insulting me (just like the national post) instead of discussing the actual claims I made.


Comment Re:The mantle of science (Score 2, Informative) 297

Hottest by 0.02C (Globally) with an error possibility of about 0.1C.

Also the only truly global data sets (satellites) do not rank it as the hottest.

And finally, with a temperature difference of barely 0.05 on average for the last 18 years, the warming is basically nonexistent.

Comment Re: WTF (Score 1, Interesting) 297

Nice generalisation there.

It isnt because your bias makes you refuse to read sceptical scientific discussions that they dont exist.
Stop reading media crap or rebuttals by propaganda sites and, just for your educational purposes, read some scientific sceptical sites and make up your own mind.

How the hell are you supposed to tell if you are being told the truth if you will not read the dissenting voices?
Again, DO NOT (except after the fact) read the rebutal blogosphere first. Go to the source, then research others opinions. Or else all you are reading is crapot propaganda with confirmation bias.

so goes for the other way around.

Instead of SKS
Try WUWT, judithcurry and climateaudit

Comment Re:WTF (Score -1, Troll) 297

At their own risk, indeed. Many (not all I admit) sceptic scientists have been publishing good solid work "at their own risk", but there is no one there to protect them when they are bullied, harassed, rejected, fired.

The science is hard to get through some folks heads, even many scientists. Confirmation bias exists, on both sides of the debate.

You can take your hurt feelings about duplicity and personal attacks and look in a mirror. Read my first line.

Cherry picking is done all over the place. Especially in climate science and especially by the alarmist side of the debate.

Talking about money, how are those billions of dollars in grant money comparing to a few million dollars budget of sceptical organisations like the heartland institute?

"Passivity"... REALLY!?!?!?!?\
Alarmists and green organisations are DOWN RIGHT AGGRESSIVE. They always have been.
They call for no less than:

- The death penalty
- Jail time for people expressing their opinions
- Murder
- Exploding heads of those who dont tow the line (look at the propaganda video)

And you go and call this law suit the end of passivity? How you people look at yourselves in the mirror everyday shocks me.

You want to talk about lies and downright BAD scientific research, here is a recent example:

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