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Comment Re:Alarming Freedom (Score 1) 278

1. About climate sensitivity estimates, as you know, are all over the place, however whats important is they keep shrinking as we learn more.


2. About my 70s comment:
I did read it in there somewhere, however cannot pin point it right now.

You will find in D.3 though:
"It is extremely likely that more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010 was caused by the anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gas concentrations and other anthropogenic forcings together. The best estimate of the human-induced contribution to warming is similar to the observed warming over this period. {10.3}"

Since there was a cooling phase from 1944 until about 1975 it is clear CO2 wasnt warming the planet before that... according to the IPCC.

3. You'll also see that the reference for the last claim I made is in there too.

Now, of course climate has always had an effect on climate. We aren't talking about natural forcing, we are talking about AGW.

Your last sentence is conjecture and speculation as are the supposed feedback's that is supposed to create this runaway warming.

Comment Re:Source (Score 1) 278

About the Bloomberg graph.

About the IPCC reports. Indeed I have read them.
You would like to imply I have not, as if reading should automatically turn me into a believer.

It has not.

Its unfortunate your superiority complex prevents any proper discussion.
You are assuming I am wrong and thus linked, off offhandedly to the IPCC reports saying I'm wrong.

As usual, your side doesnt debate anything, only appeals to authority.

Comment Re:what are your qualifications? (Score 1) 278

What are yours?
What are Pew's?
What are Obama's?
What are Gavin Schmidt's?
What are the qualifications of the 67 scientist who supposedly represent 98% of the entire SCIENTIFIC community?

The intellectual dishonesty or out right laziness is very strong on this subject. As long as it fits your ideology, right?

Comment Re:i'm going with 98% of the scientific community (Score 1) 278

I meant correct some IF they are wrong.

An infographic for children filled with lines that have no data points is useless.
Besides, it has been shown to be wrong.

The CO2 trend alone is below actual readings.

As for linking to the IPCC... well that was more than useless.

Point out what is wrong or dont bother posting.

Comment Re:Alarming Freedom (Score 2) 278

"the Earth is getting warmer mostly due to human activity"

I think you don't quite understand the subject.

Let me break it down for you.

- The earth is getting warmer... Fact (well, depends on the period you look at and time scale... but generaly yes)
- How much warmer... Debatable (statistical error for "global average temperature anomalies" are LARGE)
- Are humans responsible by way of CO2... Somewhat and debatable (Climate sensitivity from a double of CO2 is constantly being revised, currently at around less than 1C)
- How much warming exactly are we talking about?
            - We are talking about 0.85c over the last 100 years (per the IPCC)
            - CO2 has only started affecting our climate since the late 70s (per the IPCC)
            - Since the late 70s temperature average increase is only in the range of about 0.5c
            - Humans are responsible for little more than half of that warming by way of CO2 (per the IPCC)
            - Half of 0.5c is 0.25c

So in FACT if we take all of those numbers (from the official scientific alarmist sources), humans are only responsible for about 0.25c increase over the last 40-50 years, 20 of those years (more like 18.5) where it has been statistically stable (for now, of course.)

So you see, the statement above, is utterly meaningless without context.

Go back and ask the question:
1. Is it alarming that temperatures over the last century have increased by 0.25c (as far as we know FOR NOW) directly because of human activity?

Also... you still need to establish that 0.25c does and or will affect our global climate and is linked to all the non statisticaly significant events that the media has tried to tie it to.

You are aware that there has not been an increase in extreme weather, hurricains, precipitation, tornados, droughts or other... right?

Comment Re:Go Solar, it can make good financial sense. (Score 0) 259

Look, stop trying to shape the argument by building strawman arguments.

They believe its a big lie, because the predictions do not match with observational data.

The statements about current weather being affected by 0.85c (approx) of warming, does not fit observable data.

When your theories do not fit observable data, what normally happens is you adjust the theory, not the other way around.

Comment Re:Go Solar, it can make good financial sense. (Score -1, Troll) 259


I've had enough of all this bullshit about breaking the planet.

The ignorance and arrogance it takes to make that argument is astounding.

0.85C over the last 100 years or so and all the idiots are panicking, the MSM is licking its lips to the bank while scaring the shit out of the dumb ones, and those who know better are using all of this for political advantage.

It has gotten so insane, that many of those scared idiots actually BELIEVE that they can SEE and observable change on the planets climate when they look outside. WAKE UP, YOU CANT!!!

That 0.85c increase is most notable in daily LOW temperatures and in colder months. That means, it has nothing do with heat waves or daily extremes at the moment. You CANT observe it.

Also, the science shows there isn't more of any of the symptoms MSM is trying to get us scared about:

- Extreme hot days;
- Extreme precipitation;
- Extreme tornadoes;
- Extreme droughts;
- Extreme hurricanes;
- Extreme weather of any kind;

We see scientists manipulating data left and right, barely justifying why and then greeny blogosphere spend years coming up with justifications for the actions and stating thats how real science works.

I sometimes feel like I'm falling down a rabbit hole into a world where black is white and hot is cold.

Comment Re:Does it matter? (Score 1) 310

You see. You throw a whole bunch of insults. You put everyone you disagree with in 1 basket, point to it, and say they are all liers.

This has the need little benefit that those in that basket who do know WTF they are talking about, get discredited with the rest.

In the end, you dont need to debate, because hey, what do deniers have to contribute anyways?

Propaganda 101. And either you are part of the problem OR your already brainwashed.

Which of the 2 is worst... I'm not sure.

Comment Re:Does it matter? (Score 1) 310

Are you pretending to speak from a position of neutrality, all the while using standard political derogatory name calling to shape the debate?

Those that dont give a shit about the science are those running from debates. This has been seen time and time again.

The whole denier meme is a strong one, created to shun the opposition and discredit them before they even manage to get out of the gate. I mean, who the hell would even consider the "deniers" point of view.

The fact that you use this term, shows how much your stance has nothing to do with science.

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