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Comment Re:Compile time is irrelevant. (Score 1) 196

Faster compile times make for faster iteration... which lets you test global changes for examples - which optimizations actually work - more easily. Not to mention that having better iteration on a program usually produces a superior product.

Also, as a developer, faster compile times make my life a little less frustrating so I'll be less likely to pull out all my hair while waiting on the computer.

Comment Re:How about benchmarking the binary? (Score 1) 196

You obviously don't work on large projects where build times can be 30 minutes and link times can be 5-10 minutes on top of that. In the past we have tried just about everything possible to make our compiles faster because it allows more iteration and less time waiting on code building. This include minimize include dependencies and looking at dependency graphs, benchmarking distributed build systems (incredibuild), working with pre-compiled headers, examining unity-builds / unified builds (think one CPP that includes many other CPP's in the same system), etc. We also buy fast hardware (8 core CPU's with 16 threads), 32 GB Memory, and fast SSD's. All because minimizing build time is means more productive time for developers.

Comment Re:Citation needed that most Jag games ran on 68K (Score 2) 41

The fast co-processors (Tom and Jerry) didn't have instruction caches (as you would think of them today anyhow). They did have a small amount (4K) of directly mapped local memory. They were originally designed to run programs either in this memory or in normal memory. However, due to bugs in the chip, you could only reliably run code from the 4K internal memory. Since this was directly mapped, that meant all your code had to run in 4K. If you wanted to run larger programs, you needed a small amount of resident code that swapped functions or chunks of larger code into memory and did fixups on them and then ran them on the GPU. Most developers didn't have the expertise to do this themselves so indeed, a lot of game code ran on the 68K with certain heavy lifting functions (graphics transforms or blitter programming) happening on TOM and then usually just Audio/DSP (software mixing) on JERRY.

FWIW, the hardware was quite buggy as well. I think I averaged finding around one undocumented hardware bug per week in the various coprocessing chips while working on the system.

Comment Tempest X3 - Playstation (Score 1) 41

It's worth noting you didn't have to be "one of the 5 people with an Atari Jaguar" to play the original game. High Voltage Software did a port of the game to Playstation titled Tempest X3. I even did a very tiny amount of work on that project although I don't remember if I received a formal credit or not.

Comment Re:Wow. (Score 1) 333

What I want to know is who they had to waterboard to get insurance companies to provide information about their policies written at a 6th-grade level...

One benefit of Obamacare is standardizing insurance policies for what they will cover, eliminating many fine print items (like pre-existing conditions, age restrictions, setting standard limits for copays and out-of-pocket expenses). The only major differences are deductible, premiums, and doctor's network within an insurance class on the exchanges. This makes it much easier to make apples-to-apples comparisons and actually makes the free market of the exchanges work better for consumers.

Comment Re:Wow. (Score 1) 333

"[T]he content was written at a sixth-grade reading level so it would be as easy to understand as possible."
They really are setting the bar high in Kentucky.

FWIW, "Harry Potter" is written at a "Sixth Grade" reading level although a number of kids start reading that book in third or fourth grade.

Comment Worth Noting that a Compatible Headset (Score 4, Informative) 292

Is included with the purchase of PS4. Sony is probably just prioritizing what they can do in the time before launch. There's no reason they couldn't choose to eventually support Bluetooth later as well as USB (even though they're not promising Bluetooth now) and there's presumeably no reason why a third party couldn't create a USB-to-Bluetooth dongle for headsets either.

Comment Re:It could have been a lot worse (Score 1) 537

It could have been a woman with her face uncovered. Or a woman, period, driving the car naked. The sentence would be death by stoning and/or beheading.

It is illegal for women to drive a car in Saudi Arabia regardless of what they are wearing and women have received sentences of being whipped with a lash for driving there as recently as 2011.

But there are worse places in the Middle East, where women have been stoned to death for owning a cell phone.

Comment Re:Better then another war (Score 1) 362

While that seems to be the current spin on this, just a few days ago, everyone was reporting that it was Kerry that first mentioned this as an option -- Russia just ran with it once they had the chance. Not that it changes anything...I'm glad it seems to be working out in some sort of peaceful way.

It's worth noting that Assad is basically in Putin's pocket since Russia supplies Syria with a large number of it's armaments. Syria is a good customer / proxy / puppet and it's in Putin's interest to have a peaceful resolution which leaves Assad in power.

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