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Comment Re:Email capabilities (Score 1) 253

actually it's still better to have the server do the work than your 4 phones, there is no reason the server can't be set up to provide the 4 different views for each phone, question is, why have all 4 phones process all your email to create the view that phone needs, when your mail server could do it faster and better.

Comment Re:Where did you develop the initial code? (Score 1) 504

I forgot to add, what also needs to be remembered is that Universities make a lot of money from Patents and Copyrights on work they have done through research and other means, so it make plenty of sense that a University is less likely to be interested releasing code under BSD or GPL type licenses.

Comment Where did you develop the initial code? (Score 1) 504

"I am a recent graduate, and I've been working on my own on a project that uses GPL-licensed libraries..."

Where you started with coding can have some issues too, if the code you developed on your own was also developed on university computers they may have some claim to that too, especially if you developed the code for an assignment or something similar. This too can be dependant on factors such as the country you are in, and how it may relate to the license the libraries are under.

In the end, as long as the employer has no intention of distributing your code, then they own all the code you have developed for them, and as for GPL or LGPL licensed libraries, there should be no violation issues.


Submission + - Gmail Bug larger than Google chooses to believe

xploraiswakco writes: A couple of years ago I reported a bug in Google's Gmail system, basically any message you send to a mail list you are subscribed to, or that anyone cross-posts to several mail lists you are subscribed to, Gmail will ignore all messages except the first message it has on record. ie. If you sent it, it will effectively ignore the copy you would expect back obviously because it already has the copy you sent, and for cross-posted messages you are left with not knowing what other mail lists the message was sent to since you only see the first copy it accepts.

Response I have from Google was, "not a bug" ?!?

Submission + - Windows 7 Zero Day exploit (

xploraiswakco writes: As important as this the mentioned article is, it should also be pointed out that any IT staff worth their pay packet should already have port 139 blocked at the firewall, and probably port 445. too.

Comment Re:Not surprising. (Score 1) 600

Yep, and another thing to remember, Apple uses the vendor ID for iTunes to know how to operate the device (think software drivers for hardware), Palm in using the Apple's vendor ID the way they have, and also telling the public about it, effectively breaks every consumer guarantee law that some countries have, because they put themselves in a position where they have no control over the driver, and therefore no control over the claimed ability of the device, this effectively translates as false advertising, and making promises they can't keep.

In short, Palm were lazy and Apple called them on it. (FYI, in New Zealand Palm has broken the law, anyone that buys one of these devices in New Zealand, has the right under Law to sue Palm for false advertising, among other things).

Comment Re:Because they are useful (Score 1) 512

There is also the human factor, that level changes help to protect, that newer games without level changes fail to protect, this being where of late people have died at the keyboard because they never took the opportunity that a level change creates to go eat, drink, to the bathroom, rest, and all those other things we humans should do on a regular basis, that computers and the games we play on them do not need to do. Admittedly some of those games do create places where it is suggest the human players take the opportunity to do what is needed, but perhaps they need to do more than provide a place to sleep/save. It is probably time such game characters include human player fitness/health level that say decrease the characters abilities if the human player refuses to take an approipriate break. Just my 2
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - SecondLife Crackdown: Accusations of Child Porn

sboutwell writes: From Secondlife's BLOG regarding-child-pornography-in-second-life/#more-9 52

Recent crack downs and required IDENTITY information updates are coming because of Recent accusations of KIDDIE PORN and Child Adult Sexual Play in Second Life.

From their Blog: On Thursday May 3, we were contacted by German television network, ARD, which had captured images of two avatars, one that resembled an adult male and another that resembled a child, engaged in depicted sexual conduct. Our investigations revealed the users behind these avatars to be a 54-year-old man and a 27-year-old woman. Both were immediately banned from Second Life.

More details on all of this as well as Secondlife's official response can be found on their BLOG.

Submission + - Amazon Cries 'Uncle' to End IBM Patent Feud

theodp writes: "Amazon will pay an undisclosed amount to IBM to settle a long-running patent feud, and the two companies have agreed to a long-term patent cross-licensing agreement. Information Week wonders if an insurance dispute prompted Amazon's settlement, noting that Atlantic Mutual sued Amazon back in March to escape any obligation to reimburse the e-tailer should it lose the case brought by IBM. Amazon had relied on Atlantic Mutual's backing in an earlier legal battle it waged against tiny InTouch."

Submission + - SPAM: Online music; What the Music Industry Doesn't Want

Brian Beshore writes: "Online music. It's a revolution. Everyone knows about it. What you mainly hear about, however, is what the big record companies have to say about online music. They talk about piracy, and what do they say about that? They say 'it's not fair to the artist!' 'You're ripping the artist off!' they say. 'The artist is not getting their royalties!' The big record companies are really concerned about the artists in their stables. Right. Let's take a look at how record companies 'take care' of their stars. "According to Ronald Zalkind, in Getting Ahead in the Music Business (Schirmer Books), the expenses an artist incurs for record production often outweigh record royalties: 'Let us now hypothesize an artists with initial record royalties, on the sale of 100,000 units, of $40,600. The artist has a personal manager who gets 20 percent off the top, which reduces the $40,600 figure to $32,480. The average cost of producing an album today (which is what our hypothetical artist ran up at session costs) is $75,000. This means that the artist owes the record company $34,400. Also, the artist receives a $10,000 advance against royalties as bare subsistence income on which federal, state. and local taxes were paid. This raises the artist's outstanding debt, on his first release, to $44,400. Now, let us suppose that the artist's second album with the record company sells gold: The initial payout, less container charges, is $203,000. The personal manager gets 20 percent, which brings the artist's take down to $162,400. The artist owes $44,400 from the first album, which further reduces the artist's gold record income to $118,000. Finally, the artist spent $100,000 on the second go-round in the studio and took a $15,000 advance. With a gold record on the wall, the artist after two successful album releases, has only earned $3,000.' " The above quote is from Making Money Making Music (No Matter Where You Live) by James W. Dearing. (Writer's Digest Books) Is it any wonder that we saw Don Henley appealing to congress about his and other artists recording contracts, saying he felt like an indentured servant. Is it any wonder that more and more artists are turning to the internet to promote their music. Even though mostly what we've heard about online music is about the piracy that goes on, and truly this is not right, what we will see more and more of is that online music is where to look for new music. [spam URL stripped]"

Vista's Troublesome UAC is Developer's Fault? 228

MythMoth wonders: "We've heard all about the pain and discomfort of working with Windows' User Account Control (UAC) switched on, but now Ian Griffiths is explaining that the developers are the problem — they brought it on themselves. In earlier articles we have heard that Microsoft think that everyone should do it like this — Ian does acknowledge that things are better in the Unix world, but is he right? Is the onus now on the developers to help fix a problem that they did not cause?" Rather than ask the user for permission on every operation, what other ways could Microsoft have improved Vista's security?

Submission + - Science resources and study methods?

the_kanzure writes: "For those of us in professional environments, or in university, etc., what databases do you see as essential? PubMed Central, EBSCOHost, ScienceDirect, arXiv, CiteSeeR, STINET,, Google Scholar/Cache, ezProxy terminals, Merck indexes, these only scratch the surface of Internet databases for useful scientific information — especially chemistry (of all sorts), physics, aerospace, engineering, and so on. So, what databases and what sort of study sessions do you implement? Those of you who drink from the Internet as though a fountain of information, this means you too."

Big Red Button Disasters? 508

FredDC asks: "The Daily WTF has a story about a Big Red Button disaster. What Big Red Button disasters have you experienced? Which ones have you caused? Are there any that you've heard about, or do you know of any that can happen any day now?"

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