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Journal Journal: I think Steve Ballmer is trying to hack my Linux machine...

I swear in the holy name of Ken Ritchie this is what I am seeing in my Linux server logs right now:

OSSEC HIDS Notification.
2014 Oct 13 16:41:45

Received From: udon->/var/log/messages
Rule: 5712 fired (level 10) -> "SSHD brute force trying to get access
to the system."
Portion of the log(s):

Comment Re:The Russian space program was amazing (Score 5, Interesting) 122

Your comment seems very condescending.

Let's not forget the Russians were the first to send a satellite around the Earth, the first to send an animal into space, the first to send a man into space, the first to send a woman into space, the first to have a space mission that lasted more than a day, the first to have a spacewalk, the fist to send a satellite to orbit the Moon, the first to have fully automated rendez-vous between two satellites, etc., etc., etc.

Sure, their spacecraft may look "ugly" (or at least, "uglier") than western or American ones, but they get the job done and they are reliable workhorses.

I believe the differences between the two is mostly to the "no nonsense" approach to the Russians, and the fact that they like re-using designs and equipment that work instead of constantly re-inventing the wheel.

Think about it this way: the USA created the space shuttle and sank billions of dollars into it. The Russians kept improving the Soyuz rockets and capsules. These days, the space shuttle has been retired, while both Soyuz still fly regularly. Which approach is better? I don't know, but you certainly can't blame the Russians for creating "ugly" machines, as long as they are functional and good at what they do.

Recommended viewing: "The Red Stuff" about the very first Cosmonaut class of the USSR. You can view it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

Comment They do it privately and securely... ? (Score 1) 249

Well that's news to me, and I work in (the IT department of) one of those agencies... Which shall remain nameless because work.

Are you going to tell us next that the NSA really is respecting the law and protecting us from dangerous terrorists?!?

I don't know what you are smoking, but I definitely want some of it...

Comment And, by the way... (Score 5, Insightful) 70

If people who have serious security preoccupations (drug dealers, pedophiles, etc...) are dumb enough to get caught due to human error (and probably not doing their homework), why exactly do the NSA, FBI, CIA, MI6, GCHQ, DGSE, FSB, BND, etc... etc... have to trace everything we do or say online?

In other words, what, on earth, is the purpose of these gigantic spying programs for, if all that is needed is good old fashioned gumshoe work? You know, like, waiting for the bank robbers to brag of their exploits to a police informants, painstakingly tracing money flows from dodgy businesses, or gathering evidence and finger prints on a crime scene?

Sure, security is hard, everyone makes a mistake once in a while, yadda yadda yadda, but what about the rights of the innocent average citizen? We are all being spied on, while police forces are perfectly able to catch the criminals, even if they use Tor! There is simply no justification, none whatsoever, for these agencies to spy on everyone. Think about that for a second.

Comment Dashlane (Score 1) 191

Excellent password manager. Syncs an AES-encrypted file to all your devices. It also has plug-ins for most web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) that allow you to login automatically on a web site. I personnally don't use the plugins, but it's really good on both Android and Mac OS X.

Comment Re:Not going to be as rosy as the YES! campaign sa (Score 1) 494

No, I'm afraid you don't understand a few things. Firstly, Scotland's oil is small beer on the global stage. The North Sea produces ~1.5m bpd, OPEC alone is something like 30m. Scotland could turn off the taps and the planet wouldn't even blink.

Bzzzt! Sorry Wrong Answer! Try again.

And I quote: "The largest field discovered in the past 25 years is Buzzard also located off Scotland, found in June 2001 with producible reserves of almost 64×106 m (400m bbl) and an average output of 28 600 m to 30 200 m (180,000-190,000 bbl) per day." (Source here).

It's not just the production that counts - it's also the size of the reserves, the fact that Scotland is very close to its primary market (the EU) and its own stability.

And, if you happen to believe that Peak Oil is almost upon us (and there is no reason to believe otherwise) then that Oil is going to be more and more valuable as time passes...

Think Venezuela, not Norway.

Comment Re:it is all going to go horribly wrong (Score 1) 494

No, adopting the Euro is a requirement for new entrants. Countries that were previously part of the EU and did not adopt were grandfathered in and don't have to change, but for new entrants it's not optional.

It's actually the reverse: you have to be an EU member before you can adopt the Euro as your local currency.

Again, there are countries (Poland comes to mind) that are EU members, but retain their local currency. The zloty, in the case of Poland.

As far as I know, membership in the Eurozone is optional.

I personally believe Scotland would be best served by gaining its independence, ditching the Queen, proclaiming the Scottish Republic, ditching the british pound (replacing it with, let's say, the Scottish pound), kicking the British banks out, creating its own (strongly regulated) scottish banking system and applying for EU membership. But that's just me.

Comment Re:FUD from start to finish... (Score 0) 494

I commend you on your mastery of French, my dear "Jez"! I am impressed that you can use Google Translate!

I'll let you know that Brittany has never been an independent Kingdom, unlike the Kingdom of Scotland, but rather a "Dukedom". Its claim to independence are therefore very much in doubt. And don't get me started on Corsica, OK?

Comment Re:FUD from start to finish... (Score 1) 494

The EU has a bunch of sad laws that discriminate against non-EU countries for trade.

Oh really? Care to back that assertion with facts and links?

Oh right, you can't, because the EU is one of the most open market in the world.

This has hurt the UK quite badly when it came to trade with other common wealth countries that weren't part of the EU.

The UK has been nothing but a pain in the arse since day one of its membership. Screw them. Read this if you dare.

The way Australia got screwed was pretty bad and I think people that remember still hold it against the UK to this day.

Oh, you mean Australia? The country that is one of the biggest trade partner of the EU? Gosh darn, those poor Aussies sure got screwed in those deals. Which deals, by the way? Again, lots of innuendo, but not too many facts and figures, if I dare say so myself.

Comment Re:it is all going to go horribly wrong (Score 3, Insightful) 494

The yes campaign is telling people they can keep the pound and join Europe. Not gonna happen, it isn't for Scotland to decide.

It is for Scotland to decide! They can apply for membership any time, just like Turkey, for instance.

28 countries have to decide they are totally cool with a bit of the UK splitting off and joining Europe. That means 28 countries have to want to set a precident for bits of themselves splitting off, declaring independence and joining Europe.

Errr... Ever heard of the Czech and the Slovaks?

Czechoslovakia split in two (peacefully) and both halves joined the EU right away, and were welcome with open arms, if memory serves well.

I don't see why Scotland would be rejected, especially since the UK has been a pain in the arse ever since it joined the EU. As a matter of fact, many countries in the EU would welcome Scotland just to piss off the Brits. And even more so since the UK is set to vote on leaving the EU in a couple of years!

They have to also decide that they are totally cool on Scotland having an opt out on the Euro that nobody else apart from the UK has and nobody else likes.

The Euro is not the EU, and vice-versa. There is a ton of countries that are EU members, but still have their national currencies. But don't take my word for it, click here instead

The rest of the UK doesn't particularly want a currency union with Scotland, and it wouldn't be popular with the Eurozone countries to have a more formal sterling zone (they don't care about the small overseas territories, but a second full size country in a currency union would be a big deal).

You are not making any sense - again, the currency you use is totally independent from EU membership itself.

Comment Re:Not going to be as rosy as the YES! campaign sa (Score 2) 494

Ah yes, but you forget a couple of things here...

First of all, Scotland would be one of two EU nations to produce its own oil and gaz (the other is Norway). That gives it A LOT of leverage, especially since they can't possibly burn all that fuel in Scotland itself.

After the initial shock, you can bet dozens of countries (China? Japan? others?) would send delegations to Scotland to finance pretty much everything they want, provided they get a piece of the North Sea action (so to speak).

Second, there is a very common doctrine in newly-formed nations to refuse to honor all debts contracted in their names before independence. Hence, whatever debt the UK had, Scotland can now refuse, since it is now independent. That would blow the whole of the City of London to smithereens (which is a very good reason to vote Yes if you happen to be a Scot).

Combine the two, and you have a newly independent country, with zero debts and very interesting natural resources. Give it a little time, and investors from all over the world would beat a path to Scotland's door, checkbooks in hand.

Sure, the economic transition would be quite difficult, especially if the SNP persists in its own silly plan of keeping the Queen, keeping the pound (soooo stupid this one!) and applying for EU membership, but Scotland has a lot going for it.

Whether it can avoid the natural ressource trap is something else again, of course...

Comment Re:at least the nuclear weapons will be gone (Score 1) 494

Even now, Putin is hovering over the list of first strike cities, ready and waiting to strike Glasgow and Edinburgh from the list. Let me save you, he whispers gently. Expel those weapons. You'll be so much safer.

Putin does not give a flying fuck about Scotland, he is got his hands full in the Ukraine.

Plus, an independent Scotland could sell Whisky to Russia, and I have never met a russian who turned down a glass of (good) booze. ;-)

Comment Re:#scotfree (Score 2) 494

Plus, you can be sure that large numbers of the English buying public will boycott your products, just because. #scotfree

Fine, if Scotland becomes independent again, the French will buy all the Scotch whisky they can get their hand on!

On a more personal note: "Votez 'Oui', amis écossais ! Juste pour emmerder les Anglais !". The Auld Alliance shall rise again! ;-)

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