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Comment Re:Ye Gods! (Score 4, Insightful) 314

Again, this an emulation of systemd - not the real ugly mess.

This means that the normal configuration files will probably stay, but will probably be parsed on-the-fly (smartly, one hope) to provide some emulation.

The reason this is interesting is that it may prove an escape hatch not just for OpenBSD, the other BSDs, but also for some (sane) Linux distributions that refuse to adopt systemd such as Slackware.

Comment Re:Er? (Score 4, Insightful) 314

I would have expected that BSD would be deliriously happy that the evil gaze of Poettering hadn't alighted upon their operating system. Why would you voluntarily infest your system with his daemon spawn?

Because bloody systemd will be needed if you want to run some brain-dead Linux-only piece of crap software. That's why.

Emulating systemd allows that software to work on OpenBSD. On the other hand, emulating it means that (a) its working may remain somewhat on the sane side and (b) that emulation will only be installed if the port requires it, therefore limiting the damage.

And, FYI, OpenBSD could not care less about Poettering and his evil gaze.

Comment Re:Are we, America, butthurt? (Score 3, Insightful) 247

This might be part of an answer to your question: "Ohio lawmakers want to limit the teaching of the scientific process".

In other words, you live in a country where being an ''egghead'' (your term - not mine) is not respected. As a matter of fact, you live in a country where a large percentage of the population still thinks some invisble man in the sky has created the entire Uinverse in 6 days, and the Earth itself might well be 6000+ years old (instead of 4+ billion years old).

Need I say more? Case closed.

Comment OPSEC (Score 5, Insightful) 116

If you are a Tor programmer, and if there are really NSA/GCHQ insiders who actually help you to correct bugs... For Pete sake, just keep quiet about it!!!

Now, both agencies will have to initiate a mole-hunting operation, and you will lose these valuable insiders!

On the other hand, it may paralyze these agencies for months, maybe even years, while they try to figure out who has been leaking invaluable bug information back to the Tor project.

So it might be a wash. Either way, it also probably means that people inside the Puzzle Palace and the Donut are beginning to realize that enough is enough, so that is also encouraging.

Comment What could possibly go wrong? (Score 5, Interesting) 174

Instead of potentially dangerous experiments, may I suggest the oldest known and proven solution to global warming?

This is extremely complicated, so please bear with me for a minute or two:

Plant. More. Trees.

Don't believe me? Fine, don't take my word for it. Heck, even that bastion of free enterprise, The Economist got behind that idea!

So, why is not implemented on a large scale? Because planting trees is not techonologically "sexy" - it is well known, has been well known for centuries, and, for maximum effect, would require rich countries to invest serious money in poorer countries, to save the rainforest (which is where tree-planting would have maximum impact). And we cannot allow these natives to get money to do something as simple as plant a tree, right?

In other words, the wealthiest have decided it is a lot more fun to throw money at dangerous or even foolish and ineffectual solutions rather than provide for jobs and development in the poorest countries of the world -- precisely the countries that will suffer the most due to global warming. Make of that what you will.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Stan Lee is an agent of Thanos - or maybe even Thanos himself.

Warning: this is long and completely weird. Almost spoiler-free, but there might be some in there as well.

Saw Guardians of the Galaxy yesterday and it was pretty much what I expected: funny and cartoonish, great action and great special effects (but, really, when was the last time you saw a movie with BAD special effects? But I digress.)

Comment Re:what environments allow USB boot? (Score 2) 132

Anything that has a USB port, really.

Essentially, anything that is run by NGOs or individuals.

Sure, in a corporate or governmental/military environment, USB ports are usually a big ''no no'' but some of use like them USB gadgets.

(Yes, before anyone ask, there has been infiltration through contaminated USB drives and keys ''abandoned'' in strategic locations...)

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