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Comment Very short sighted (Score 1) 434

So dolphins keep children safe on the net. Did you know they also get in trouble in real life? Where will the dolphin be then? Instead of this half baked approach, we need a real solution. What I propose, is a GPS tracking chip and button combo to be implanted into every child's wrist. It will also be shaped like a cute dolphin button, but will be useful on and off-line! While we're at it why not give all our children tasers, in case they get into trouble?

Comment Re:Sony has ALWAYS Gimped laptops... (Score 1) 198

agree with this completely.
Had a vaio with bluetooth bought in 2003. It didn't work with my other bluetooth stuff. Sony support told me that vaio bluetooth was only guaranteed to work with sony bluetooth products. That doesn't sound like bluetooth to me.

Fixed the issue finding the bluetooth hardware maker and getting generic drivers so I didn't need sony's drivers. Then everything worked fine.

So again, standard hardware, crippled by sony software. THey actually spent money getting someone to develop crippled drivers when the generic drivers were free and could easily have been badged for sony.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 758

But it's not the same product. Price Discrimination describes same product diff prices due to

1) student/vip discounts
2) amazon's "detect how much extra you'd pay" patent
3) end of season discounts (for fashion, etc)

Amazon's one is the best, but they promised not to do it again.

Comment Link between violent crime and schooling (Score 1) 116

There is a 99.9% Link between violent crime and schooling. 99.9% of all perpetrators of violent crime have a history of going to school, whether it is preschool, kindergarten, primary, secondary, tertiary, private, or public schools, whether for long or short periods. Therefore I urge you all to Think of the Children, and immediately BAN all forms of school, where no doubt violent criminals of the future are being trained.

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