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Comment Re: SystemD added? (Score 1) 494

I complained about that on an earlier systemd article - the official fanboy response seems to be that because Lennart didn't write it ZFS on linux sucks while systemd is wonderful despite not working properly yet.
So I went back to RHEL6 and an init system that's been tested enough before release.
My home system is a recent Fedora - I just gave up and I've been starting ZFS from the command line on login after about the third change where systemd went from being able to start ZFS to not.

Comment Re: SystemD added? (Score 1) 494

The above can really just be summed up as "it wasn't all a single project, but it is now with systemd". Progress certainly did happen before systemd started and there was no actual problem to be solved like there was with pulseaudio or NetworkManager (the old system was clunky with laptops - of course the new one now sucks with everything else).

Comment Re: SystemD added? (Score 1) 494

PERHAPS someone could define what was broken so badly in init that the whole lot was replaced. I so dearly would like to know.

Apparently not enough of linux userspace had Lennart's name on it.
It's being widely adopted because he's convinced a few gnome people to make their stuff rely on it and the gnome stuff is popular.
I really don't know what RedHat was thinking when they put someone who thought it would be a nice joke to call a frequently running process "rtkit" in a position of responsibility.

Comment Re:Fails simple test (Score 1) 256

You seem awfully thin skinned in your denial of the obvious with some pretty fucking extreme edge cases.
Yes it's nice pretending the people beg because they want to and not because they have fallen through the gaps in society so that nobody gives a shit if they live or die, but it's not a very realistic way of looking at the world is it? If there are a lot of them about it's a symptom that somebody running the place has seriously fucked things up. Is your denial a pretence that your political team has created a perfect society?

Comment Re:Fails simple test (Score 1) 256

Wouldn't it have been polite to at least read my earlier post that contained the words "Sure, it's fraud, but just treat any panhandling story like a circus act because there's a damned good reason to make it more appealing than accurate".
That would have saved you a lot of time and made you look a bit less ridiculous if you'd done that wouldn't it? I suppose it's more dramatic to disagree with a strawman and paint a lot of beggars as master criminals, but it makes you look like a far worse person than you probably are.

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