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Comment Re: Remember Groupon? (Score 2) 109

That is not very correct. Investors know what the company is doing on the accounting side, in all but very rare fraud cases. Companies like you're talking about are pretty clear on what drives their Non-GAAP measures and they make an effort to explain why the non-GAAP measures are the "right" ones. It's a joke in the investor community how divergent GAAP and non-GAAP rev and earnings become over time. They know. They just invest anyway because they "know" others will too.

Comment Re: Uber not worth $41 billion ... (Score 3, Informative) 109

Um, no, you are exactly wrong. Uber is valued at $41b because of public stock market traders. The private investors are willing to pay $x, where $x is less than the valuation after IPO minus the time cost of money. This is all driven by idiots investing in the public stock market. They are the engine car that pulls the train.

Comment Re: Minimum Wage (Score 1) 1094

> There are European countries with minimum and average wages much higher than ours, and they don't have those problems.

I'm sorry but I'm not sure how you would know that. You would need to compare their output currently to their output in an alternative history / parallel universe where the min wage were lower. Barring that, it's interesting that you say this but don't address why almost every EU country has a lower GDP per capita that the U.S. Granted, GDP is a flawed measurement, but feel free to look at other similar measures. The EU also has a higher unemployment rate. About double in fact.

So if I am saying that a higher min wage reduces output and causes unemployment, and you're telling me I am wrong based on what actually happens in the real world, I would have expected some addressing of these numbers. While I am not using them as proof of anything, it does seem to run counter to your claim that the "theoretical arguments" don't have predictive power in the real world.

Comment Re: Minimum Wage (Score 1) 1094

I love when people who have no understanding of econ101 tell me I don't understand Econ101 and then spend the rest of their comment proving that they don't understand econ101.

Companies don't care about making revenue. They care about making profit. A company absolutely will choose to earn less revenue when it means more profit. Because every hour of Sally's work is a net $1 loss in profit, earning $13 in revenue through Sally's work means $14 loss in costs. The company will always be better off not having Sally work.

Comment Re:Some will be troubled (Score 1) 119

I think you have the wrong idea of what it means to work hard. It doesn't mean be inefficient at a task. It means be persistent as you identify growth opportunities and worthy calculated risks. Many people do not do that and look for a "safe" 9-5 job where thry operate in a well defined box and don't have surprises or expectations of upward mobility (except s cost of living raise).

Comment Re:Some will be troubled (Score 1) 119

I don't know whether their definition of grit is right and I don't know if their magic algorithm is right. I do know that our schools do not teach grit. I do know that our schools have you do 40 copies of the same math problem for homework. I share concerns about the gamification of education, but the particular issue you bring up was it created by educational games.

Comment Re:Some will be troubled (Score 1) 119

> Nothing wrong with encouraging kids to work hard, but are you comfortable with Google and Khan Academy using (presumably) tax-free money and their mysterious "grit algorithm" to determine education haves and have-nots?

Yes. I am comfortable trying a bunch of things to see what works. Many people are comfortable continuing what we know doesn't work. I am not.

Comment Re: We 'must' compete (Score 2, Insightful) 119

The world is about competition. Even non-profit organizations are about competition. It might make you feel better to teach kids what you call "cooperation", but since you think cooperation is the opposite of competition, then you should be kept away from teaching children anything about life. People like you have heavily influenced education for 3 or 4 decades, and as a result we are churning out people who have no idea how the world works, and especially how markets work (to enable efficient cooperation).

Comment Some will be troubled (Score 2) 119

The current education system doesn't work, and some will be troubled as we attempt various other ways that might work. Some will be troubled as we displace people who currently operate the system that doesn't work.

As for the linked complaint about grit implying that poor kids are poor because they don't try hard, who cares what it implies? I don't care if it hurts someone's feelings to misinterpret what this may or may not imply. I don't care if poor kids are poor because of external reasons. What does it matter? Should we spend our time explaining to them that they are victims of a system and have no hope, or should we teach them how to work hard? Perhaps grit is even more important for poor kids who have to work even harder to get out from where they started?

Politically correct jerks can be offended all they want. That doesn't help kids achieve.

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