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Comment Reminds me of the Mistborn books (Score 1) 238

This sounds somewhat like what Brandon Sanderson described in his Mistborn books. If you were "mistborn", you could (after "burning" certain metals) see blue lines extending from yourself to metal objects around you, which you could then pull or push away from you.

Overall, they were pretty good books. I'd recommended them.

Submission + - Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe? (

dynamo52 writes:

Like part of a cosmic Russian doll, our universe may be nested inside a black hole that is itself part of a larger universe.

In turn, all the black holes found so far in our universe--from the microscopic to the supermassive--may be doorways into alternate realities.

I had a similar thought one time based on a mathematical model I saw while reading a book on string theory. I also considered that each successive black hole could cause a dimension to "collapse". (i.e. our universe would be derived from a black hole in a universe with 4 spatial dimensions) Of course, I am not a physicist but it is interesting to see that they have similar ideas.

Submission + - Anti-Tax Software Engineer Flies Plane into Office (

Cruxus writes: A software engineer, Andrew Joseph Stack, age 53, flew an airplane into an office building in Austin, Texas, where some 200 IRS employees worked. He left a long scree railing against taxes, government, and corporate greed. Given how closely his attitude matches those of many right here on Slashdot, where does the community go from here?

Comment Re:Not my experience... (Score 1) 181

I 2nd this. DirecTV's customer service has been some of the best of any company I've ever dealt with, right up there with Tivo. Comparing their customer service with my local cable co., Charter, is just laughable. My only real complaint is that you need line of site to their satellites (I live in a fairly wooded area), but that's just the nature of their tech.

Submission + - Brain grown in jar pilots F-22 sim ( 5

NJ Hewitt writes: "Florida scientists have grown a brain in a petri dish and taught it to pilot an F-22 jet simulator." The brain, with neurons connected to 60 electrodes, at first had no ability to pilot the fighter jet, but slowly learned and can now reliably navigate through even hurricane-force winds in the simulator.

Submission + - How Blender compares to the Major 3D applications

LetterRip writes: CGWorld and CGTalk recently asked whether OpenSource software set to become the dominant toolset in feature film production? Also TDT 3D did a comparison chart with the Major 3D Digital Content Creation applications such as Maya, 3DS Max, and XSI, and of course Blender in this 3D Application Comparison. Blender came out surprisingly well, although it definitely still has some weaknesses. So what do slashdotters think? Can Blender 'take over' the 3D industry or will it always be just for 'freelancers and hobbyists'?

Submission + - Scientist Finds Beginnings of Morality in Primates

loid_void writes: "The New York Times is reporting that: Last year Marc Hauser, an evolutionary biologist at Harvard, proposed in his book "Moral Minds" that the brain has a genetically shaped mechanism for acquiring moral rules, a universal moral grammar similar to the neural machinery for learning language. In another recent book, "Primates and Philosophers," the primatologist Frans de Waal defends against philosopher critics his view that the roots of morality can be seen in the social behavior of monkeys and apes."

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