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Comment Pass around a real mic. (Score 1) 95

Get one, mmaybe two real wireless microphones from Shure or someone like that -- think "audio equipment catalog", not "computer equipment catalog". Get the cables to hook the base station up to standard microphone input. Pass the mic around to whoever is talking; it doubles as the "currently speaking" token (and you only have one person at a time talking at standup, right?). Make sure you have lots of spare batteries (presumably rechargeable) in a convenient location.

Comment Re:Interesing... (Score 4, Interesting) 394

Meanwhile in Europe where one party's politicians don't spend as much effort trying to use global warming as a bludgeon against their political enemies (and an excuse to funnel public money to their friends) popular acceptance of "climate change is a real thing to worry about" seems to be higher. How about that, hmm?

Comment Re:Why hasn't it happened already? (Score 1) 241

Two problems: we need the oil the ME provides (since we're not developing EVs fast enough and we won't build SkyTran),

Things have changed in the past 5 years. Western Europe might need the oil the Middle East provides (or alternatively, Russia, if you want to pick alternate geopolitical foes)... but if I recall correctly, the US was the world's #1 oil producer in 2014. There has some retrenchment since November, due to lower prices and oversupply, but it's nothing that couldn't be reversed in a real crisis.

Comment on starting with smaller-scale albedo modification (Score 5, Insightful) 421

Developed areas currently cover around 1% of Earth's surface already. Switching to more-reflective materials -- asphalt mixed with recycled glass, roofs with light-colored shingles instead of dark, Mediterranean-style exterior color schemes -- not only increases albedo but can mitigate heat-island effects and reduce the need to expend energy on cooling.

Comment Re:The General Attorney of Canada missed the point (Score 2) 231

In most assisted-suicide schemes, the burden of proof is on the "killer", not on the prosecution.

Methinks you trust Systems too much.

The present paper provides evidence that these laws and safeguards are regularly ignored and transgressed in all the jurisdictions and that transgressions are not prosecuted. For example, about 900 people annually are administered lethal substances without having given explicit consent, and in one jurisdiction, almost 50% of cases of euthanasia are not reported. Increased tolerance of transgressions in societies with such laws represents a social "slippery slope," as do changes to the laws and criteria that followed legalization. Although the initial intent was to limit euthanasia and assisted suicide to a last-resort option for a very small number of terminally ill people, some jurisdictions now extend the practice to newborns, children, and people with dementia. A terminal illness is no longer a prerequisite. In the Netherlands, euthanasia for anyone over the age of 70 who is "tired of living" is now being considered. Legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide therefore places many people at risk, affects the values of society over time, and does not provide controls and safeguards.

-- Legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide: the illusion of safeguards and controls, J. Pereira, MBChB MSc. Current Oncology. 2011 Apr; 18(2): e38-e45.

Comment Re:to be honest, we dont have farms anymore. (Score 1) 194

You can thank the FDR administration for setting us down this path with New Deal legislation explicitly designed to make food production more like factories, with standardized, homogenized output -- to say nothing of the price-supports and other handouts to big agribusiness which continue to this day...

Comment Re:Let me translate (Score 1) 55

Nor is there any direct relationship between the recruiter who's emailing you and your resume. Place key information about your career objectives (e.g. "i want you to get me a visa to work in $location") within the first paragraph and watch it be gleefully ignored, not just by the usual spammer suspects but by a variety of guys with a coherent pitch and several major tech shops like Amazon, Facebook, et cetera. :(

Comment Re:Home school kids are just weird (Score 1) 700

I mean, have you ever met a normal one? Case closed.

Good point! You need to teach these kids about socialization and how to interact with other people in the world around them. After all, you wouldn't want your children to grow up into judgemental assholes making invidious generalizations about some minority out-group of people they're barely familiar with, just because they're a little outside the mainstream.

hey wait a minute ...

Comment Re:Not the fault of science (Score 1) 958

Science did not tell us to avoid natural fats in our diet, it was the: USDA, FDA, AMA, etc. etc. It was government and industry associations, sensational journalists who won't or can't deal with basic stats, not scientists. ... The jump to connecting this to climate change had zero supporting evidence in this article.

Psst. When most Americans hear about climate change, it's either policy proposals and advocacy from politicians in the government, or the EPA, solar industry, et cetera... or it's sensationalist news coverage, much like diet fads.

It's a testament to something that more people aren't skeptical/denialist given the sort of marketing that is involved, but I'm not sure what exactly.

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