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Comment Re:What's the angle? (Score 1) 35

Great question. We are seeing a lot of interest among enterprises to have AWS-like functionality in their own datacenters. And we also know that they are eager to use OpenStack. So at Eucalyptus we decided to do something about it. Here is my blog about the topic: https://www.eucalyptus.com/blog/2014/08/11/why-eucalyptus-keynoting-openstack-conference

Comment Budget never reformed (Score -1) 78

This is all because even though there was a deep recession NASA's budget was never reformed. Over the decades more and more non-core programs accreted. Obama didn't help by axing Project Contsellation, or declaring the central role of NASA one of muslim outreach. So here we are, with our center piece program dependent on Vladimir Putin! Way to go America! Is this where you really want to be?

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