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Comment Re:Install Ubuntu (Score 1) 823

There isn't many people who hate Windows more than I do. I came to hate it working for years as a support engineer. It was taking too much of my time, even though my primary job was Linux servers and firewalls. So I left the salaried work to make my living doing only what I want - and that's Linux support. And I agree with you - Linux is a better solution for all our parents.

Your claim that you needed a full week to setup a Windows machine so it is safe and usable is simply a bullshit, however. Takes a bit of time but not more than half a day to do it, all annoying balloons disabled included.

Comment Re:It's fairly simple... (Score 3, Interesting) 178

#2 Only computers provided by (name of employer) may be connected to the network used for VPN access, at the time of VPN access.
    ie - home/personal computers must be disconnected before connecting the work computer

Just how do you propose to enforce this policy?


Submission + - Sir Edmund Hillary died (msn.com) 1

miowpurr writes: Sir Edmund Hillary has died. The gangling New Zealander devoted much of his life to aiding the mountain people of Nepal and took his fame in stride, preferring to be called "Ed" and considering himself just an ordinary beekeeper. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22597658/

Comment Re:Prior ASCII Art??? (Score 1) 369

So that's informative huh? I guess we *are* on slashdot. In that case let me indulge a bit of what a small little bird once let me know. (This is all from memory so bare with me.)

(.)---(.) -- far apart

( . | . ) -- big and smushy (>=D)

(.Y .) -- oops, the tity seems to be distracted (lopsided)

(@)(@) -- large aerolas/nipple

o o -- A cup

. . -- Zero cup(?)

\o/\o/ -- saggy

(o)(%) -- extra nipple

(`o)(o) -- zit on breast

# (o) -- Mastectomy

(^)(^) -- perkys

(~)(~) -- pierced

{o}{o} -- muscular breasts

|O|O| -- 19th century kinda girl (corset breasts)

(>)(>) -- 1940s rocket breasts

(.Y.) -- Wonderbra

Caution: Use above only as a rough guide. It is advisable to get real world experience for expert identification.
User Journal

Journal Journal: emergence...

So, after a few usernames of times past ..cough...dtgm...cough...dtgm01...cough... I've finally settled on this one. I can only stress how important it is to not change passwords after marathon working sessions. Regardless of what you tell yourself, you will not remember that easy, simple password, that you would have to be a moron to forget, after being awake for 48 hours

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