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Comment Re:Happens all the time, but... (Score 1) 212

Well, it's not like nvidia just found out ATI was about to release a DX11 card. They are both sticking to long-standing roadmaps and there's not really anything to be surprised about.

I don't think anyone is in a panic. Nvidia's GT200 line is still viable and there's no reason to rush out and upgrade until there are at least two manufacturers selling DX11 cards. Hell, there's no reason to buy DX11 support prior to DX11 actually being supported by anything. I recall rushing out to buy a DX9 card to get it early and, man, that was disappointing as it didn't perform very well once DX9 came out.

Just keep in mind, Internet "journalism" thrives on fanboi-ism when it comes to competing companies. It's always worded to sound like there's some epic battle where the loser goes home with knots on their head. In reality, they'll end up making more money off whatever big whitebox maker picks their low-end business class cards for their cheap desktops than their cutting edge products.

Comment Re:Ya well (Score 1) 212


As soon as I saw 'Fudzilla' and 'nVidia' in the same sentence, I knew it was going to be a bucket of accusations. From the moment nVidia released the GTX295, I've noticed their articles always have a tag about nVidia being shitty or deceptive in some manner.

At first, I thought he was an ATI fanboy, but from other comments I've seen, I don't think he cares all that much about hardware performance as attempting to stick it to companies he doesn't exactly care for.

That said, I read his site daily since it often does have articles that end up being accurate and give a teenie peek at what's around the corner.

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