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Comment Re:Digg reader updates due to device crashes (Score 1) 141

Pardon me for not having a peer-approved double blind. http://hubpages.com/hub/10-Things-I-Hate-About-Android-Smart-Phones "Even though Android is based on Linux, it feels more like a smartphone version of Windows Vista. Always crashing and freezing." I am hardly the only person saying this.

Comment Re:Digg reader updates due to device crashes (Score 1) 141

I wouldn't own an Apple device if you paid me. My playbook has never crashed. The browser has locked up, but it never took down the OS. All my coworkers with Verizon Android have moved to the iOS dark side because of constant crashes. My stock firmware crashed like the Titanic on a replay loop. CM10.1 has greatly reduced the frequency. You sir, need to lay off the psychotropic drugs and get with reality.

Comment Thank you for your work. (Score 1) 47

I'm a user of CM10.1, and I appreciate your efforts and participation. I wish you could have found a more satisfying solution. I will look forward to Focal's availability.

It seems hard to commercialize a GPL codebase. Even RedHat had to abandon their community distribution to keep their developers paid, which upset a lot of people (including me).

Perhaps you can try again in another project. I hope you can make it work if you do.

Comment Have you actually USED Android lately? (Score 1) 141

If so, how many surprise reboots have you had over the last two months? This never happens with QNX. PalmWebOS was just Linux; QNX is a different animal. Get a beagle bone to see the technical side. Understand it, and you will appreciate an alternative ecosystem which is superior for many uses.

Comment Re:Blackberry, if you want to live... (Score 1) 141

Blackberry should offer their QNX kernel/userland source code for free to Huaiwai for safe-keeping. This gesture would foster a new ecosystem and provide assurance to the market that the platform will not vaporize.

The marketing agreement should stipulate that Blackberry retains their appstore, and royalties on high-performance units. Low-performance units would be the giveaways to flood cheap carriers.

Blackberry should retain the ability to revoke their OS license to vendors with unacceptable failure rates.

Comment Blackberry, if you want to live... (Score 5, Interesting) 141

...then license your tablet and phone OS immediately.

The tablet OS never, ever crashes, runs any Gingerbread app, and is a far superior experience to Android. Blackberry should give the OS away for free for any tablet that has CPUs under 1ghz (as long as the vendor writes the drivers).

The phone OS builds on the tablet, will load any .APK, runs other vendors' market apps, and is judged a far, far superior experience by Android converts. Blackberry should give the phone OS away to any vendor running CPUs under 800Mhz (as long as the vendor writes the drivers).

If Blackberry takes market share, it will win. This cannot be done as a vertically-integrated platform.

Comment Talkatone is bad for that (Score 1) 133

The first time that I used it, a (very!) convincing ad banner indicated that I had new voicemail.

It's hard to complain when I have unlimited free calls and texting, but I would really prefer more tasteful ads that were intelligently targetted.

There should be a button for all adware: PRESS IF YOU'D NEVER BUY THIS. That would save everybody a lot of grief.

Comment So let me get this straight... (Score 1) 133

In April 2010, Engadget stated: "the DROID Incredible is the best Android device that you can purchase in America right now."

Verizon is the largest network in the US.

Cyanogenmod is avoiding Verizon's MVNOs because they are supposedly blocking the CM10.1 that I am currently running.

This business model is doomed. You play the hand you're dealt with the people you have.

Comment What I hate... (Score 1) 133

...is that Cyanogenmod aggressively obsoletes older phones.

I am on Page Plus Cellular. If you look at their phones for sale, everything is Gingerbread. They also don't allow 4G devices on their network without substantial neutering of the firmware. And while they accept most Verizon 3G devices on their network, they strongly suggest that you leave the Verizon firmware intact.

So I run a DINC, which Cyanogenmod long ago put out to pasture, Gingerbread only. Evervolv took it to Android 4.1, and some guy took the Evervolv kernel and jacked it into 4.2.2.

So I run a very reliable phone with recent software on a cheap network with phenomenal coverage. But there is no hope that Cyanogenmod will ever be offered by my vendor (Page Plus) for sale on their network, because Cyanogenmod nukes legacy devices from their source tree.

This is a phenomenally bad business decision. I do not expect them to be successful, and I am not planning to invest.

Comment It's actually a great tablet OS. (Score 1) 49

BlackBerry should license an updated Playbook OS on cheap terms for Chinese tablets. It has its quirks, but it's far better software than most JellyBean implementations. With BB10's ability to run APKs natively, it would knock Android out of the market. BB10 user satisfaction is especially good for Android converts. I have yet to make the Playbook suddenly reboot, which is far too common with most Android. The Playbook probably has equivalent performance of the IPad 2/3, and is far lower in cost. The interface controls are superb. My phone runs cyanogenmod, but I'd love to have another option with a QNX kernel.

Comment What kills AMD is a per-core license. (Score 3, Informative) 259

Oracle's Enterprise database costs $47,500 per processor core. There is no way in heck that I'd choose AMD over Intel when I have to run more cores to get the same performance.

Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise costs $6,874 per processor core.

AMD has a heavy investment in the server space. They should negotiate lower per-core license costs in these cases; license parity with Intel is throwing them out of the data center.

As the developers of x86-64, they should have a patent portfolio to do serious damage to 64-bit x86 systems vendors. Use it.

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