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Comment Re:Well, they're a good indicator of intelligence (Score 1) 672

Good answer. I don't really care for asking or answering those questions either, but if someone tells me that he sees himself in the circus (or any other profession) in 5 years I'd reject his application. I want someone who wants to keep doing what he or she is doing. Wanting to advance or expand their knowledge doesn't hurt either.

Same for 'why do you want to work here." "Because I need a paycheck?" Seriously? Look, we all laugh at Wally in the Dilbert strips, but I'm sure as hell not going to knowingly hire one.

Comment Re:Eh? (Score 2) 119

"company executives believe they can persuade regulators to allow it to swallow the business whole because the music industry is in such decline."

This wasn't claimed by Universal or EMI, but by a blogger that wrote one of the articles. Consider it accordingly. A snarky comment may well be appropriate here, but not for this reason.

Comment Re:Games (Score 2) 1880

Dual-booting takes time, and I have to decide in advance whether this will be a "Windows gaming" session or a "Linux whatever" session. What's the point? If I just stay in Windows I can simply fire up a game when I want a break, and close it or even just pause it to do something else.

Comment Re:Retribution (Score 1) 120

I want to be able to search a database of scumbags - their name, dob, and known mailing addresses

You should be able to find what you want in their corporate filings.

The US Marshalls stealing their copy machine doesn't actually help society in any meaningful way.

Seized assets are used to satisfy the judgement, which is a benefit in my opinion.

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