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Comment Re:Advanced? (Score 1) 95

By "advanced", I assume the summary meant "technologically advanced". How would any civilization reach a high level of technology without going through industrialization?

given a world that didn't have vast resources of stored energy in coal and oil! I imagine it would begin how ours began! with hydro power. Advancement would probably be slower. Wind and eventually solar added to the mix. Possibly even significant amounts of geothermal. Technology would probably advance in different routes as the ICE and even steam engines would play a minor role in things. They might even have their own ecological disasters by deforestation (or equivalent ) to fuel steam engines. The shift away from ICEs and natural gas based fertilizers would change the ag tech and affect the societies significantly.

One of my least-favorite sci-fi tropes is an alien race which is simultaneously technologically adept enough to build starships and aggressive enough to spread through the galaxy meets (much less technologically advanced) humans for the first time and sadly remarks on our lack of environmental consciousness and our propensity for violence.

It doesn't bother me much. After all, it's how most westerners look at the Middle East And even Asia now, and we're the same species. Even discounting physical and psychological diff fences, aliens will most likely find their culture vastly superior or they wouldn't be living like that. This could be because of racial preferences or because of the demands of future society or tech that we couldn't support with our current culture but will required to go beyond what we have now.

Comment Re:Who would still want to work there? (Score 1) 66

They have this compatibility pack which proclaims it gives the ability to open newer format files in older versions of office; not sure as to its success level: Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats.

I haven't used it for Office 2000, but did have it deployed for years for Office 2003. In general it works, but those new features and changes that require a new year version have their toll. The newer files will open up in compatible versions and the original can't be edited and saved in the new format. Sometimes formatting might change or bigger problems. Typically if you are reading or dealing with occasional later version files , it will get you through in most cases. Sometimes, you might have to ask for a saved back version from the original sender to get all information. However between two groups collaborating, it would typically be a constant pain only resolved by upgrading or saving everything at a lower version.

Comment Re:How's that supposed to work anyway? (Score 1) 282

I mean, if they were laid off, then that tends to mean that they *can't* be hired back on... at least not immediately. My understanding is that "laid off" means that the person is being let go because there isn't enough work to justify paying them, so how could they even *think* of hiring back anyone?

At Microsft, it was most likely because of some re-org that cut your projects size if not delete it completely. That being said, Microsoft is huge and divided up into many fiefdoms, and because the Microsoft Bob department has just been axed doesn't mean that x-box or some other part of Windows OS doesn't need more people. So people laid off in the phone app project might not have skills needed anywhere else. The common MS layoff consists of being relieved of all duties (and probably access to everything but email) for a couple of months where your only job is to find another job someplace at Microsoft.

Comment Re:This is just a repeat (Score 1) 282

...the people who were laid off could not apply for 5 months.

Why would you apply to work for the same company that just kicked you to the curb? I'd tell 'em to go to hell.

This is Microsoft where such things are common. I was once there when two of my friends who worked for Microsoft first met. Once they found out they had both worked for Microsoft, one joked "How did your last re-org go?" Not sure I understood it but they both laughed and now friends. that being said, Microsoft is a huge place and if you've worked there for long, it's where all your contacts, references, and past coworkers work at. Getting laid off at Microsoft and then making the calls and putting out feelers to get hired I some other part is fairly common if not normal. Given that it seems like a nice place to work, and that you weren't really fired by your department you considered yourself working for ( who are probably smoothing over the hiring process in a new department), but some nameless management, there really isn't that sort of hatred for working for them again.

Comment Re:That scene from Pirates of Silicon Valley (Score 1) 161

Apparently it actually does.

Except it doesn't, because Apple sold style, not superiority. What brought them back into fashion was the iPod, and there were competitors which were superior in every way other than style.

The competitors were superior in bullet points on paper, but failed in real world use and usability in the market they were intended. If "style" means being able to use it without wanting it to slam it against the wall on the third attempt, I'm all for style.

Comment Re:Too long (Score 1) 161

Myhrvold then turned to what he called “the truly personal computer—something which has the size and weight appropriate to be carried with you at all times.” This wireless “digital wallet,” as he called it, would allow anyone to communicate, untethered to a wire, by voice, video, fax, E-mail, or pager. The device would be a clock, an alarm, a schedule manager, a notepad, an archive of phone numbers and records, and a library of music and books.

Yeah, he was just encouraging MS to make their own Palm Pilot, which it was already out when he wrote this. He wasn't predicting the smartphone, he was just imitating the PDA.

It's like crediting someone in in 1900 for predicting the airplane because he wrote about "Skies full of great flying boats"--not realizing that he's talking about comtemporary dirigibles, not airplanes.

He does a damn good job of describing the smartphone, probably because he's couching it in the terms of what it is "a small personal computer" rather than a "phone". A better analogy would be somebody working at a shop making canvas and wood biplanes in 1910 predicting that they will eventually be monowing plane constructed out of metal used for war and transport and that the company should head in that direction. The direction is sort of obvious but the tech wasn't there yet, but there was great rewards for those that did it right first.

Comment Re:Such harassment (Score 1) 362

The "sexual" part of "sexual harassment" refers to gender, not the sex act.

Does it means that if a bisexual sexually-as-in-sex-act harass people of both genders, that's not sexual harassment ?

Depends on the laws involved. I remember reading one news article where a guy got off because he was bi-sexual and the state harassment laws he was being charged under were written as treating one gender differently than the other. Since there was testimony that he was treating both sexes with the same behavior, he got off and there was such a stink that the laws then got updated.

Comment Re:Dark Matter == Measurement Uncertainty? (Score 2) 37

And on top of that, every other explaination that people have come up with to explain those data sets has failed.

MOND - the idea that gravity has some extra factor that kicks in on galactic scale has yet to provide even a hypothetical answer to be tested. Last I heard, it gets complicated so fast that they haven't even been able to produce a hypothetical gravitational equation that would explain orbital velocities of galaxies let alone the other observed data.

That the extra matter is out there in more mundane forms such as dim stars or jupiter like orphan planets has been tested since they first started seeing these obeservations, and all tests so far have shown that if that was the case, they should be able top detect it but haven't.

Somebody once made a comment on /. about just because we put out cat food and it is disappearing, it doesn't mean there is a cat in the house that nobody has seen. However, at this point, the cat food is being eaten, the litter box is being used, something is playing with the cat toys, and if you knock on the walls, you can hear something go "meow". It still may not be the case that there is a cat we've never seen living in the house, but if so, the new answer is much stranger and more complicated.

Comment Re:Walled garden? (Score 1) 171

There are suits and then there are suits. I have a closet full of suits, but I doubt I could wear any of them to work or a wedding (except for the tuxes). I wouldn't say formal occasions as much as special occasions, and when you're wearing a suit, every occasion becomes a special occasion. Wearing a suit generally shows you have style, can groom yourself, and at least the impression of some wealth. There's a saying that suits are for women what lingerie are for men, and judging by the comments I get while out, I'd have to say there's something to that. It may not be your style or for everyone, but if your suits make you look like you just came from your job, you're not buying the right suits for wearing out.

Comment Re:Please, enough. (Score 1) 590

The name 'Thor' is masculine too. If marvel wanted a new female character, why not create a new one?

Why bother? Their readers probably don't speak scandanavian languages and don't know that Thor is a masculine name. To Americans, it's just a name. It could be the Asgardian equivalent to Pat. They need a front ranked character to make female because there is an increasing number of readers who want a primary character that is female. Taking one who has stood the test of time not only shows their commitment to these readers, but decreases the chance of coming up with a character that will fail. (Look at all Marvel's attempts at creating a Superman counterpart, including a black one. Even after sticking them in the Avengers they don't amount to anything.) Plus, I bet if we look at sales, the Thor title isn't doing all that hot anyway.

Comment Re:Please, enough. (Score 1) 590

Stop using your platforms to push marxist propaganda. It's so blatant when history is so blatantly contradicted for no good reason. The mythos always depicted thor as male. Why is it so terrible to have a dominant male in a protagonist role? It's not misogyny.

The Marvel Thor is whoever holds the hammer. In the past a woman, an alien, and even a frog have all become Thor. This has been established for several decades and back to the creation of Marvel Thor character in the 60's. It's not terrible to have a dominant male role, they've got plenty of them. Now they want a dominant female role to add in to sell things in a capitalistic desire to make money because half the population is lacking any dominant characters they can relate to. Somehow you make that Marxist? You are a little messed up by this it seems and have some biases when you start claiming a capitalist grab for money by supplying a product to demanding customers is Marxist. In addition to that, you don't know shit about comics. Some nerd you are.

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