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Comment Re:disgusting (Score 1) 173

Swartz killed himself. Trying to blame the system for a guy who committed suicide before even going to jail just makes it clear you're completely out of touch with reality.

If you want to call someone an asshole, look in the mirror, its you.

And for the record, Swartz crime had nothing at all to do with the data he stole and everything to to with basic breaking and entering, your an idiot who would be fine with it because omg techie guy .... right up until it was your house he broke into to steal a connection.

Comment Re:disgusting (Score 2) 173

God people like you are such ignorant douches.

Swartz was a douche who broke the law, repeatedly, and clearly and deserved to go to jail. He couldn't cope with paying for his crimes so he offed himself. He's a criminal, not a hero. He had nothing about what happened that made him somehow deserve your sympathy and ABSOLUTELY was a criminal.

This guy started a business where he stole other peoples work and gave it away for free. His business model is the same as a common thief, you ignorant prick. Stop acting like what he was doing was new and innovative. It was no different than stealing all the CDs they pressed for the songs and playing them, the only difference is he downloaded them illegally rather than breaking and entering. He's still a fucking thief, and last I checked, no sane person considered that a viable 'business model'.

These people aren't innocent people who got targeted, BOTH OF THEM ARE CRIMINALS in EVERY sense of the word acting like they aren't is for 20 somethings too stupid to know better, looking at your UID you should be old enough not to say things so ignorant.

Its mind blowing that people like you can blame EVERYONE ELSE for someones actions except the person that took those actions.

People like you are the problem with the world today, you think you deserve everything and have to work for nothing, your sense of entitlement actually gets you and people like this killed and you're just too stupid to recognize it.

Comment Re:Holy Shit, Dude!! (Score 1) 549

Yes, he did.

If you're too fucking stupid to realize that when you rear-end someone it is 100% your fault, then you need your skull thumped until you get that through its thick ass.

Unless the guy in front of you is backing up:



Read that about 9 billion more times until you learn not to make such fucking stupid statements. assholes who think there are excuses for rear-ending people ARE THE PROBLEM with driving.

Comment Re:There are always options. (Score -1, Flamebait) 628

what kind of anal retentive asshole would not want to receive Windows security updates?

The kind that doesn't like his computer breaking randomly because MS decided they knew better for him than he did.

Why is this even an issue?

Because updates regularly break stuff for people, or change things in ways they don't want it to be changed.

If I upgrade to Windows 10, I want every security update the second it comes out. Sooner, if possible.

Then you're an idiot who must have someone else do all the work to keep their computer working and have no idea what these updates actually are.

More likely, you're just a really shitty troll.

Either way, if you think this is great, you're a short sighted moron who needs to get some experience working with computers (any of them, not just ones running MS products) and then you'll understand why this is a fucking stupid idea.

Comment Re:This is only a start (Score 1) 216

RF jamming is worthless since there is OSS hardware and software for full autonomy and I know of at least one that will run OpenCV natively so they have facial recognition on top of it.

Easier, for now at least, would be listening devices to pick up the distinct patterns of sound generated by a multi rotor. This too has already been done with commodity hardware and OSS software. The sound is distinct enough that it can be picked up pretty far away even in noisy conditions. Certainly from the distance your homemade drone has any sort of usefulness

Comment Re:Logical fallacies galore (Score 0) 75

Your quite ridiculous personal attack on Stallman suggests that you are mentally and socially challenged, with no developed sense of propriety nor common decency, and certainly no ability with logic.

Pot, meet kettle, you're both black.

And best still, the anonymous coward rants against the identified user with excellent karma. Yea, its me that has the social issues, you're so right.

Shut up fanboy.

Comment Re:Extremist (Score 0) 75

Really? You think Stallman is the only one in the free software world? He's not the only one, he's not the first, his just a loud mouth prick that arguably does more to hurt the image than help it.

GNU isn't HIS just because he came up with the idea, he is part of it. It would exist without him in some other form because the people involved with it would still have done it and you have no idea (nor do I) if the world would be more or less friendly to OSS. All he does is rant and rave and make an ass out of him self. No one that matters takes him seriously. Linus and Alan Cox have done more for free software this year than Stallman has ever done, and they aren't even trying.

Comment Extremist (Score 0, Troll) 75

Stallman is an extremist... There was never any possibility of satisfying him, it's not worth the effort to even try. He's kind of a free software terrorist if you think about it because if you don't do it his way he makes it his personal agenda to hurt your product.

He's also a massive hypocrite who says "it's fine to make money from free software" and then proceeds to bitch and moan about anyone who does other than himself because apparently the only legitimate way to make money in his mind is by eating toenails and being a leech on society.

So ... Who gives a shit if Stallman approved, no one that actually matters.

Comment Can't fly? W.T.F? (Score 1) 143

But in places with little air and no fossil fuels, where you can't fly and there's little drag,

Wait, what?

I'm aware of several designs for heavier than air aircraft for flight on Mars. You can most certainly fly on Mars, you need a lot lower wing loading, so a much larger surface area, but other than that, theres not really any difference. Its just like flight high up in our own atmosphere.

Its not the moon or Pluto, it has an atmosphere. And by treating it as such, you've already show you're idea probably isn't worth discussing for the reasons your bringing it up.

Comment Re:Slimmer devices (Score 1) 89

The chip is a tiny sliver of silicon, it has made no significant contribution to device "thickness" anytime in my 40 years of life.

It effects power usage, and therefore battery size, and through that device thickness.

Going from 14 to 7 is nothing about physical size and everything about electron flows.

They can't actually make the dies smaller even on the new process because you still have to dissipate the heat it generates. AND bring in hundreds of electrical connections to the package so it can actually connect to things other than itself.

The whole "thinner devices" comment in the summary just lets you know the submitter doesn't understand why size matters.

His wife probably agrees

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