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Comment Re:Before or after? (Score -1, Troll) 560

The data is corrected and adjusted, not fudged. The methods have been disclosed.

For most people in the world, and pretty much anyone who isn't drinking the cool-aid, that means fudged. You can pretend its not, but outside of people who care more about believing they are right than actually being right, we're still going to call it fudged.

Fudging or more commonly called massaging data to represent more accurate results is common and many times is useful, BUT ITS STILL FUDGING THE DATA.

Comment Re:Go Nuclear (Score 0) 560

I'm for using solar power because its effectively renewable, so don't think I'm trying to be anti-solar ... but ...

Don't talk about solar like its a pollution solution. The pollution from solar doesn't pollute the environment and generate AS MUCH greenhouse gas, but the process of creating solar panels is ridiculously dirty and the panels themselves aren't exactly bio-degradable or easy to recycle.

Lets not pretend that solar is a 100% solution. Carpet the planet with the amount of solar cells required for our energy budget and you've probably done more damage than current greenhouse emissions for close to the life of the panels.

Comment Re:One fiber to rule them... (Score 5, Insightful) 221

What city do you live in where its acceptable to go 2 months without city provided services? Do you live in some third world country or something? No city thats is going to have fiber is going to behave like that for critical infrastructure.

Heres the reality: The important things get fixed quickly, regardless of how shitty you think you city performs. Your phone gets repaired quickly now not because the phone company wants to, but because they are legally REQUIRED TO ... BECAUSE of the way they are classified. Same goes for power and water. Guess who requires them too ... DA EBIL GUBMENT.

Some things aren't important so going extended periods without fixing them is intelligent management of resources. Sorry the pothole that pisses you off didn't get filled quick enough or the street light that went out takes a while to get repaired, but critical services just don't work that way in any city in America. Villages, maybe. Towns ... not likely. Cities, no fucking way.

Comment Re:Do I buy it? (Score 1) 235

VG won't be doing anything special, (although even a private sub-orbital system is new; nothing like SS2 exists. X-15 with passengers and open space.)

But Musk already has the cheapest launcher on the market (perhaps ignoring a few micro-launchers), is about to develop fly-back first stage (something the industry has been wishing for since the early sixties), and is developing a private manned capsule, and is developing a heavy lift launcher that costs less than any other medium-lift launcher on the market even if they doesn't achieve reusability, and he's working with NASA to develop a Saturn V F1-class engine for a Saturn V class launcher, and he wants to go to Mars.

Not breaking new ground? What the fuck does this idiot want from them, a warp drive?

While I agree with most of you post, these parts are just wrong.

There is nothing new about anything they've done so far. They are simply taking advantage of more modern technology to do things that have already been done more efficiently, to the point that some of them are viable without being funded by the government. NASA has done all of these things in one form or another, it just cost far too much to be commercially viable. Hell, other civilians have been carried to the ISS by Russia so VG is WAY behind the curve. NASA had self landing rockets in the 60s - They were ridiculously expensive and unreliable, but occasionally they worked, they just didn't have the advantage of the fact that $100 worth of electronics can act as a fully functional guided autopilot (See: MegaPilot at HobbyKing, a rip off of the original 3DR auto pilot).

Comment Re:This tired old saw again. (Score 1) 755

Prove miracles.

Prove what, that they happen or how they happen? Miracles don't require god. You misunderstand the meaning. They just require being unexplainable.

Prove Jesus rose from the grave.

You're right, pretty hard to 'prove' at this point even if it was provable when it occurred. Its roughly the same as 'proving' the big bang happened at this stage. Its pure conjecture based on some evidence. If you think otherwise, how sad you are.

Hell, Prove Jesus ever actually existed.

Lots of evidence that someone like Jesus existed. His feats are another story, but most historians agree that someone like that existed.

Prove that humanity came from a single breeding pair.

Okay, science does that already and doesn't require any religion. When you figure out which came first, the chicken or the egg, then you'll understand why this is true. Eve or no Eve.

Find the genetic bottleneck in our genes from when the world was reduced to Noah and his family.

Thats hard this far after it happened but science is fairly confident the humans on the planet were reduced to at least as low as 10k people at one point. Guessing beyond that is just too much guessing to be called science, but it is possible and it too doesn't require a god.

Comment Re:Apple's comeback was obvious (Score 1) 332

Uhm, the difference between firewire and USB is licensing.

Firewire requires you buy a license to make Firewire devices.

USB requires you adhere to the spec and don't use their name in vain.

THAT is why USB is ubiquitous. Because someone can make a 0.1 cent USB controller for their 10 cent USB flash drive, and the same flash drive would cost $15 if it were Firewire.

Comment Re:No group "owns" any day on the calendar. (Score 0) 681

How is that different than any one who believes what they know to be universal truth? Why prefix it with religion? Science has just as many idiots who think that because some scientist says it, its universal truth.

You have 'geniuses' like Stephen Hawking who think they understand the big bang when these are the very people who should know they don't 'understand' it nor do they 'know' anything about it. This is the same sort of problem that results in people being chastised for making 'silly' observations like 'the world is round' when popular 'science' says otherwise ... because you're worshiping a man as if he's something more and ignoring reality because you think your team is cooler than the other team.

Its a bit ironic that the people who get the most uppity about silly stories about a guy that may or may not have lived 2k years ago are the same people who think they know what happened 14 billion years ago that make just as much sense to the casual observer.

Nut jobs exist in both camps, why do you ignore the guys on your side of the fence and berate the guys on the other side.

Fucking hypocrite.

Whats offensive is that you feel the need to think you're somehow better than someone else because you believe differently than them.

Comment Re:If only the cop had a camera in Ferguson... (Score -1, Flamebait) 368

... you are an idiot.

You're going to see the cops as being bad and wrong and evil even as they save your life.

Its mind numbing that you don't understand why that turned out the way it did.

And for reference, normal health people don't die from a chokehold thats released as soon as the person loses conscious, fat ass had a heart attack due to his own health issues.

Comment Re:It should be noted that... (Score 2) 115

First off, it didn't automatically install, it just downloaded a tiny patch that probably takes more traffic to request the download than the download itself. The news around this is BS.

In order for automatic updates to be installed on their own, you have to enable automatic updates, like every other sane setup on the planet, by default.

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