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Comment Re:FAA possible influence (Score 1) 112

No one gives a shit about your crappy little 5.8ghz FPV system. Your toy is not a serious problem.

People who fly anything more than a pre made toy don't use 5.8ghz, it sucks ass for range. 2.4ghz is only marginally better, and anyone who actually cares uses 900mhz.

As was stated if you'd bothered to read, the bandwidth in question is also right around the area used by most doppler radar stations, which means random broadcasts from unregulated devices screw with doppler radar.

Also, again, if you'd bothered to read ... you'd see that the story is actually about the FCC getting irked that some devices allow end users to override existing rules for limiting power and frequency usage in the 5.8ghz band. Basically, because some shitty link sys WAP doesn't properly restrict power/frequency selection in firmware, and it can be configured by the OS to go beyond legal limits, the FCC is cracking down and getting onto manufactures who don't properly lock down their firmware.

Comment Re:5GHz ? (Score 1) 112

You're apparently unaware that farmers need Internet access in the modern age, too.

You are apparently unaware of the meaning of the word need .

No one needs the Internet. Using the wrong words utterly destroys any point you might be trying to make by showing how you don't actually know what you're saying or are just being ridiculous in your statements.

Comment Re:OP vs Reality (Score 0) 112

Finland's average speed to the sites in Finland may be awesome. Average speed to the sites I want to visit?

Just because the last mile is fast doesn't mean that its useful.

Stop cherry picking metrics to go off ranting about. There comes a point when faster isn't really needed for your usage. I can get 50mb, but why bother, 99.99% of the time it would be wasted and do nothing but cost me more.

Of course, I'm also in a city thats on the list for Google Fiber soon so I'll probably be changing my story after getting it :O

Comment Re:So who is behind this? (Score 4, Informative) 112

No, no need to rush.

They just stop the radio from being modifiable by software in such a way the violates the rules. The radio firmware for radios sold in the US just won't let you use those bands at too high of power.

Guess what, they ALREADY WORK LIKE THIS.

Your OSS router software can't make random changes to the radios currently, never has been able to as there are already laws in effect governing these issues.

Some devices allow you to get buy with more than you should, but thats generally an oversight, and easily fixed in the next hardware revision ... as already happens.

This isn't going to take away your precious, no need to get your panties in a knot.

Comment Not likely in modern communications (Score 4, Informative) 109

Due to the amount of signal processing that goes on with modern television, its highly unlikely. MPEG compression probably stops it at the source since its instantly fuddled with and massive amounts of the data they use is lost right then and there.

If you were actually afraid of the NSA finding you, as a whistle blower, getting around this form of tracing is trivial.

Use a UPS for power, unplugged from the power grid. No power line tracking.

Or the more old school way that people have done for a while, record it and leave before broadcasting it. Locating the source of the recording doesn't mean much if the target is already 800 miles away.

Comment Re:OR (Score 1) 579

I do. It's not that hard to stay focused for the 15 seconds I'm crossing a path of two ton objects.

Now if we were talking about getting creamed on the sidewalk, I'd agree but we're not.

Again, I was taught to pay attention crossing the road. Bothers my wife that I stop the conversation and continually look around while crossing but she gets over it, we live, and child hopefully picks up a good habit as well. ... Though one may argue that OCD isn't a good habit ;)

Comment Re:OR (Score 5, Insightful) 579

While you are 100% correct, I was always taught to pay attention to my surroundings ... and that includes keeping an eye out for a ton or two object moving at a decent speed.

One could argue that in most cases, a pedestrian paying attention could have avoided getting ran over if they'd pulled their heads out of their phones long enough to look around them.

Comment Re:And people ask me... (Score 2) 194

And people ask me why I say we're not in any way more free than any other dictatorship.

You should answer with 'because I'm an ignorant idiot who has no idea what its like to live in an actual dictatorship'.

Seriously, you have no fucking clue how great you have it.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't raise holy hell when the government does something wrong, but to compare the USA to a dictatorship just makes it clear you're just utterly ignorant of the real world.

Comment Re:His choices... (Score 1) 194

... right, because the hops ON HIS LAN were so congested that the wiring closet was faster than the port at his desk because the cable was 3 meters instead of 50 meters long.

That is about the weakest argument I've ever seen in defending his bullshit.

Comment Re:His choices... (Score -1, Flamebait) 194

The kid took his own life. No one did this to him, he did it to himself.

Stop blaming others for his inability to cope with the consequences of his actions.

Stop trying to promote this nanny state bullshit where everyone magically doesn't ever need the ability to cope with the harsh realities of the world.

Comment Re:Internet bullies (Score 1, Flamebait) 194

He was bullied into suicide by believable threats of a 50yr prison sentence from authority

... You really believe that? You need mental help as well. There are FAR worse things than the threat of jail time, even 50 years. He had mental issues. There is no other reason to commit suicide. He also was a criminal with criminal intent in every action he took.

He's not a hero, he's a sad mental case. What he did was wrong. Period. End of story. The fact that he killed himself because he couldn't deal with the consequences of his actions doesn't magically make him a hero nor does it make what he did right.

He was never going to live a long and healthy live if he killed himself over this situation. I've been on the receiving end of the threat of long term incarceration in AN AMERICAN PRISON. There are far scarier things in the world. You need some perspective.

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