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Comment Re:Talking Point (Score 3, Insightful) 427

Okay, first things first, before we can have an actual discussion, you have to be honest.

Claiming the models are excellent shows that you're either utterly ignorant of the topic at hand or you're flat out denying reality.

The models are constantly being adjusted and science is constantly finding reasons to account for their incorrect models that don't explain anything thats happened in the last 20 years. Denying this part of reality just makes it clear you're a 'believer', not someone who is actually thinking for themselves.

We can't even start a discussion until you actually accept reality, the models fucking suck. Its a massive, huge, unbelievably big system that we know pretty much dick about. Pretending the models are excellent is just wrong. They are better this year than they were last year, but excellent they are not.

Comment Re:Talking Point (Score -1, Troll) 427

When you come up with excuses to justify your over reaction, do you ever stop and think 'how many times am I going to have to blow off the 'deniers' before I consider maybe I'm over-reacting'? Do you ever consider that you're doing the same silly shit that the 'deniers' are doing when you utterly ignore any possibility that the world is not going to end next tuesday?

The reason the 'deniers' keep denying is because the 'believers' are so utterly ridiculous about the doom and gloom and any time any one questions the impending total collapse of society you keep espousing you go off the deep end and start the name calling.

Do you ever stop and consider that you don't actually know shit about climatology and that you're just falling right in with the cult as if you were a religious nut job (hint, most people who talking about global warming ARE RELIGIOUS NUT JOBS, just a different religion than most think of).

You haven't reviewed the data, you can't, its not public, so stop acting like you know any better than I do what the truth is. You're blindly believing a bunch of guys who spend their lives making money by claiming the climate is going to change and we're all going to die. You seem to be unaware that science is not free of politics any more than the presidential election is free from politics.

Comment Re:Hogwash (Score 2, Interesting) 282

Improvements made to the system to increase server performance usually also wind up being good for desktop users.

Not really, and this is widely known and has been discussed repeatedly in many different forums including the kernel dev list.

Servers and desktops have largely different requirements and require different tunings. A task scheduler thats awesome for a server will generally suck for workstations and the same is true in the opposite direction. Some things are specific to the types of work loads involved. Desktops run a few threads and need them to respond in a specific way. Servers run tons of threads (as a general rule) and need them to respond in a different way.

The only way its 'good for the desktop' is because your desktop requirements are non-existent and aren't putting any stress on the system. In these cases, you're not going to notice any improvements anyway most likely.

Linux is and always had been tuned for the server side. You don't use Linux as an audio editing workstation for instance. Theres a reason.

Comment Re:please (Score 1) 307

... because using a password that anyone can guess means it was guessed by brute force? Thats what you're saying, right?

Show the proof it was brute force, not silly speculation. The account lockout procedure has been in place for several years across the board. Its not something they just added last week.

Comment Re:Oh good. (Score 1) 99

His analogy holds up pretty much perfectly.

I would expect someone who reads the Democratic Party Newsletter to know who the majority whip is, but not really anyone else. Pretty much just like anyone on slashdot who isn't new should have hard of llvm and clang. Its a fairly common talking point for slashdot stories and comments.

If you don't know what LLVM and clang are, slashdot really isn't someplace you should visit frequently unless you willing to learn what they are.

Comment Re:Reverse-SSH tunnel phone-home from remote devic (Score 2, Funny) 137

Just because you're unfamiliar with networking administration doesn't mean this needs to blown up into "hire a network guy". That's just ignorance and

As someone who's been a network admin for a few years, I'm fairly confident in my statements. Do you do even minor surgery on yourself if you're not a surgeon? If you come to slashdot to ask how to do something for your business, you already fucked up and the only valid responses you should be getting from slashdot are help on finding someone who can help you. If he asked 'how do I find someone, like a consultant for a short term project, like this' that would be one thing. He didn't, he came here expecting a solution which illustrates his complete lack of understanding of the problem, THAT IS WHY he needs to hire a network guy.

He is, by definition, ignorant, which is why he is asking for help ... clearly you are as well as your choice of words indicates. I suggest you learn what the word ignorant means before you brandish it about like an insult as you just end up insulting yourself through your own ignorance.

(I suspect) trying to make yourself sound important on an anonymous message board.

I have no need to make myself sound important, I certainly don't need your approval ... and if you bother to google for my nick, you'll find its not even a little difficult to link to a real name, address, and everything else. I'm not in the least bit anonymous. People have been able to recognize that nick and its association with me for 20+ years. On the other hand ... your post ... is from ... anonymous coward. Do you know the meaning of the word ironic?

As my granddaddy used to say, if you don't know what you're talking about, it's best to not open your mouth and prove it. So no need to apologize, just take the advice and consider it a lesson learned. Best of luck.

Your grand daddy said that too you a lot, didn't he? Did you ever wonder WHY he said it too you so much? Maybe he was trying to get some sort of point across to you ... Go look in the mirror and repeat those words until you get the point of them and who he was talking about. Hint: Its the guy in the mirror.

You're an absolutely shitty troll. You just suck at it. Nothing you've said did anything other than show how stupid YOU are, not me.

Comment Re:Reverse-SSH tunnel phone-home from remote devic (Score 1) 137

The reverse-SSH tunnel is the correct way to "phone home". Maintaining a VPN is a shit show.

A blanket statement like this shows your cluelessness and shear ignorance.

Without considerably more information neither you nor I nor anyone else can make such a statement.

Pure Storage does it this way, and they are quite the experts.

Oh well, since a company thats barely 5 years old does it this way, and since their primary business line is selling flash drive arrays ... not network administration and monitoring ... they must be the most qualified and perfect example to follow.

IS IT the right way for THEM? Maybe. Maybe not. To pretend that just because they do it that way, they are experts again just shows your ignorance. Let me guess, you work for them on their monitoring team, don't you?

Comment Re:Reverse-SSH tunnel phone-home from remote devic (Score 4, Insightful) 137

Or, do the right thing and hire a network admin so someone with a clue is involved.

If you have to ask this question on slashdot, you need to change the question to something appropriate. Based on exactly what was posted, he doesn't have any idea what his requirements are. He knows the conceptual goals, but not the actual goals or requirements. Unless he is trying to change careers from whatever he is to a full time network infrastructure person he is going to be wasting a lot of time getting a clue. That means time he won't be spending doing whatever his actual job is.

He needs someone who can look at his actual setup, figure what what actually needs monitored, and knows the appropriate ways to do it.

Short of multiple Bennett hasleton length posts, and many discussions in depth, no answer coming from slashdot or all of them combined is going to be useful.

Everyone here posting solutions has their own, certainly incorrect idea of what he wants but no one actually knows. No one so far has even started by asking the right questions. It's the blind leading the blind at best.

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