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Comment Re:I see 2 problems (Score 1) 83

So how about you get off your ass and change the laws governing how ridiculous your taxes are?

No, you don't ACTUALLY want that do you? My guess is that you're happy to take all the benefits those taxes provide, but somehow think its okay to not actually participate in paying them.

Do you abstain from using public roads? Public transit? Public policing? How about water and power which are subsidized by taxes? Do you enjoy the protection of California's tough environmental laws or do you not?

You're just a freeloader to stupid to realize that you're happy to cut off your own nose to spite your face.

Comment Re:Fanboys, (Score 1) 113

3. No-one else has done what SpaceX are doing with a real, operational rocket before. This actually is rocket science (or, at least, rocket engineering).

Except for NASA, 40-50 years ago. Reusable rockets certainly aren't new. This method isn't new. Electronics have made it far easier and more reliable, but they haven't invented shit.

SpaceX isn't doing ANYTHING new at this point, they are riding on the coat tails of work done by agencies like NASA, JAXA, Russia and the EU's space programs.

Comment Re:It's a complot (Score 1) 212

No, it isn't.

Total cost for health care is far higher than before and the end result is pretty much exactly the same as before. The basic coverage you end up with on the low end is so shitty that its effectively useless for the poor people who need it, and to top it off, now the people who pay for it all, pay far more.

If you want socialized health care, fucking socialize it and take private business out of the equation entirely, it will never work as long as there greedy businesses mixed in with it.

Comment Re:Why not just use hard drives and then store... (Score 1) 193

Seldom used data sitting in spinning power draining disks has a continuous power cost.

Why is it that you can turn off blue ray drives, but not hard drives?

Last I checked, my hard drives were simple to power on and off on the fly.

Facebook has an astounding pile of data in picture archives that after a couple months are
only called on once in a while if ever again.

And thats not what these are being used for because the page would time out before it pulled any of those pictures off the disc for display. This is for archiving what you do on the Internet once the data has been materialized by their algorithms. It can be restored and reprocessed if they want/need to.

One problem with BlueRay, DVD and CDROM media is the lack of data as storage beyond
five years or so

Not sure where you live, but writable blu ray was available in 2002 initially. DVD in 1997, CD in 1988. We're a little past 5 years. Thats 12 for BD, 17 for DVD, and 26 for CD. There is a wealth of data on storage life on all of them if you know where to look.

Comment Re:Every week there's a new explanation of the hia (Score 1) 465

Wasted depends on if it is or isn't reality.

If global warming is an issue, we've not really 'wasted' anything.

If it is an issue, you could point to many things, carbon credits be the first thing that comes to mind since it seems to be coming up often lately. Though I would argue that curbing CO2 output is good for our lungs regardless of the global warming situation.

All the time spent investigating it, all the scientists spending time working on it, politics related to it, this discussion is an example of possible waste due to global warming ... IF its more than just a natural cycle.

Comment Re:Every week there's a new explanation of the hia (Score 1) 465

You don't get to question Einstein just because.

Actually, you do. Thats what makes it science.

In science, to do the methodology properly, you are NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES supposed to 'believe' you 'know' ANYTHING. Ever.

You seem to think that certain things are supposed to be believed regardless of conflicting evidence and only with substantial proof against what you WANT to believe, then its questionable. Thats exactly the opposite of proper science.

Science is completely centered around questioning the theories and accepted ideas, constantly.

Comment Re:$230 (Score 1) 611

I would be very interested to see the analytics supporting the notion that people were clicking enough ads

Its trivial to track for a webmaster, Google Adwords + Analytics do 99.9% of the work out of the box with a couple mouse clicks, and it most certainly does work well for the marketing using the ads if done properly.

You can waste money on ads, but figuring out if they are working, how well they are working and how much money you are making as a result of ad clickthroughs has been a solved problem for several years.

Comment Re:spam (Score 4, Insightful) 44

Everytime he posts the only thought that comes to mind is ...


This no different than every other instance. He's a moron who thinks people care what he has to say and thinks he actually knows what he's talking about. He's the worst kind of ignorant, too stupid to realize how ignorant he is.

Comment Re:Ready in 30 years (Score 1) 305

Actually, its fairly trivial. I'm working on doing it in my back yard workshop actually. Reference:

Fusion is very easy to attain if you know the physics involved.

Net energy surplus is something else entirely. Its the harvesting part that is killing it right at this moment, but much like building a workshop fusor is trivial now that its well understood, in 100 years, building a fusion reactor might not be a whole lot different. Fusion has some really beautiful requirements that make it naturally safe from a 'OMG THE PLANT IS GONNA BLOW CAPTAIN' perspective.

Comment Re:Photographic law precedence (Score 1) 200

No, not really.

You can't climb a ladder and take pics of some girl sunbathing in her backyard legally if she is behind a privacy fence that you had to go out of your way to see over, that includes using a drone to do so.

If you have to take explicit action to circumvent something providing privacy, you don't magically get a free pass for doing so and more than you get a free pass for robbing a hows because the door was unlocked.

Comment Re:well (Score 4, Interesting) 200

A) it does, since it applies to taking photos. You can't really take a photo without a camera, can you?
B) Depends on how you try to protect it. In most locations, an attempt to be private means its private. I.E. a privacy fence means you have an expectation of privacy. Having sex in a public park doesn't count, but in your hot tub with a fence around that a normal person can't see over and you should be able to assume your actions are private.

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