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Comment Re:Interesting idea, nasty downsides (Score -1) 93

Who still uses tape? Seriously, no data centric company on the planet still uses tape, its easier and cheaper to throw a bunch of large drives and a big fat pipe to offsite storage than deal with a tape robot.

People still using tape are doing so because they haven't moved on and like pain or are just ignorant of the alternatives.

Comment Re:What about shuffle? (Score 1) 201

U2, sitting innocuously near the bottom of your Artist list, it always syncs and whenever it comes up on random you're reminded yet again to go sort that shit out, but you always forget. And the cycle continues.

... It deletes like everything else in iTunes, if you mean take it out of the iCloud list ... You click the X on it in the iCloud list ... Just like everything else.

Other than it being added to your account without consent, it's no different than anything else

Comment Re:Why bring that up ? (Score 1) 122

The solution to his problem is simple. How much is he willing to pay to get this information take down.

Treat others the way you want to be treated and all that. Give him a good dose of his own medicine, except make the cost high enough that he can't pay it, cause lets face it, no one should actually take it down, ever.

Comment Re:If you're in the United States, get a lawyer (Score 2) 230

Regardless of your intentions, you may be treated as the wrongdoer here

Not likely. Just because you've heard of some idiots who try to pretend they 'just accessed some urls' while stealing and republishing other peoples data doesn't mean that the FBI (who would handle such things) is a bunch of raving nutters.

You're just being silly and making things up. Banks are regulated, they don't get to randomly freeze your account because they feel like it. Stop believing random crap you read on the Internet. The things you've seen reported on slashdot and other places are ALWAYS BS. Not entirely, but the story you hear is HALF the story. Its kind of like car accidents ... you can watch someone rear end another car on the street, and then they'll give you a story about how it wasn't their fault and it was the other guys and the give you all the right details to make it sound like they weren't at fault.

Second, freezing your account to prevent you from paying a lawyer will just result in the lawyer filing a motion to get enough money to pay legal fees, and unless you're a complete and total jackass like Kim dotcom asking for millions, you'll get the money to pay your lawyer.

Comment Re:Conspiracy theories (Score 4, Informative) 253

The Russian politician was far from obscure, well known and very vocal as a matter of fact. He was also against Putin and Putin's nut job attempts at bringing back the Cold War. He was someone we like, not someone we'd want to kill.

Your conspiracy theory only makes sense if you know absolutely nothing at all about what's actually going on.

Comment Re:Hashes not useful (Score 1) 324

Seagate is correct. Putting a hash on the website doesn't improve security at all because anyone who can change the download can also change the web page containing the hash.

Which is why I always laugh my ass off at all these people who use PGP to sign things and put a hash on the same website you download it from ... look you can verify this file you downloaded from the website hasn't changed because theres no way anyone would be smart enough to update the hash as well!

And that my friends is why PGP is effectively useless in the real world unless you physically exchange keys securely.

Comment Re:I should think so! (Score 2) 107

I'd be shocked if it didn't have remote root holes accessible via network,

Contrary to popular belief, being 'old' does not instantly make you exploitable.

Its not like it runs Oracle Java (maybe it does, maybe it doesn't)

Its probably not LISTENing on the network, in which case its probably fairly safe, how many years has it been since theres been a remote kernel exploit of ANY kind, let alone one that'll get you some sort of access to run code?

Comment Re:who cares ? (Score 1) 185

But how do you know which is the real site?

Its the first result in the Google search response ... at no point have I gotten back a first result for something else when searching for a business, at least not a scam or other illegitimate site.

In case you haven't noticed, many of the original TLDs have names that are meant to redirect people from the legitimate site to a scam, adding more doesn't make it anything new.

I would argue however, if they're going to play these TLD bullshit games, just stop and get rid of the concept of a TLD. Let people register whatever they want except for existing TLDs and move on.

Comment Re:A couple solutions (Score 1) 164

Drawing on a computer is far slower than grabbing a marker and doing it on the whiteboard. You ever try writing text with a mouse?

Whiteboards are NOT FOR CODE, I think thats another problem you're having. You draw flowcharts and make notes on the whiteboard, not write down code that then gets transcribed and compiled.

Comment Re:Whiteboards and whiteboarding are a bad idea. (Score 5, Insightful) 164

If you can't express the idea in text and text alone, then you haven't broken it down properly

A picture is worth a thousand words, FOR A REASON.

And you're an idiot.

I don't need to write a manuscript to describe an abstract problem when a couple boxes and some lines will do the same thing. That doesn't mean I've given exact specifications for a problem either.

Anyone who has worked with UML and any real programming language will know that this is true. One UML diagram can result in hundreds of thousands of lines of unnecessary Java code.

Anyone who has worked with UML and thinks you convert that to code doesn't understand code, they've just bought into the UML hype (thats still happening? WTF I thought it died 15 years ago). You seem to think the drawing is the code, and again, you're an idiot. The drawing is a way to describe whats happening in an abstract way so others have a general idea of the concept. It IS NOT the code, its abstract logic.

UML and Java ... you pretty much showed in that little blurb you're not qualified to be part of this discussion. Go back to being a middle manager who doesn't know anything about software design or actually writing code.

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