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Comment Re:I'll take another look at it. (Score 1) 267

Speaking for myself, the reason for the negativity is illustrated in this line from the article:

"The Evince appâ"GNOMEâ(TM)s PDF viewerâ"now has less interface getting in the way"

This is not just something that applies to Gnome. This attitude is pervasive across the entire industry. Windows 8, OSX, Gnome, Unity... I can't speak for KDE, haven't used it in years.

I consider this attitude to represent a regression. They're crippling the tools I use to solve problems based on the advice of fluffy headed artists and usability experts who are more interested in how an ignoramus reacts to something they've never seen before.

Frankly, if you're not interested in what you're doing enough to learn to master your tool, then what you're doing isn't important.

Crippling the tools that people use to do work so intellectually lazy baby boomers can have a toy that's easy to play with is bad for everyone.

The more you design something to be popular, the crappier it is.

Comment Re:Facebook policy is the problem (Score 1) 305

If I'm free, does that mean I'm free to participate in social networks that have a "real name" policy of my own volition?

If there's a social network that has a "real name" policy, and I join it, and then someone else comes along and insists that they should be able to join this network without using their real name, what happens to me?

Do we flat out not have the right to participate in a social network that has a real name policy?

Comment Re:How about... (Score 1) 482

You are an idiot.

I've got far more experience in this realm than the vast majority of my social circle, but you immediately decided that, because my advice doesn't jive with what you think you know, that I must be a socially awkward guy who is useless with the opposite sex.

You didn't even ask me. You just assumed.

That's what makes you stupid instead of just ignorant. Ignorance can be rectified. Stupid, not so much.

Comment Re:Or maybe the sense of smell... (Score 1) 139

It has nothing to do with your body being in working order or not. They're a bacterial colony that grows on your skin. Like grass growing on a field. The earth does not extrude the grass, and your body doesn't produce the bacteria.

Soap is unnecessary to get dirt off your body. You can scrub yourself with sand, you can rinse yourself in clear water and rub yourself with a scrubber.

If you do this, you'll have healthier skin and it will look nicer and feel softer.

Of course, you'd know all this if you read the fucking article.

Comment Re:How about... (Score 1) 482

Dude, I've met a lot of women off dating sites. A LOT of women. The reality is, the best approach is to look at the people, decide if you're mutually attracted on a physical level, and then meet in person straight away.

You can't get to know a person online. What you're getting to know isn't who they are. It's a strange brew of how they see themselves and what you'd like them to be.

The more time you spend "getting to know" someone online, the more attached you'll become to something that doesn't exist, and the more angry you'll be when you're inevitably disappointed.

I've met hundreds of women through dating sites. In the beginning, I spent time making my mistakes with women who lived in a different town, so I could experiment without having to face the consequences of my mistakes at the grocery store.

I've slept with so many of them that I literally got bored with it. I haven't been on a dating site in over a year. But, before I called it quits, I honestly had guys I worked with come up and ask me what my secret was, how I managed to get SO many dates with SO many good looking women, because they knew that I was meeting at least one new woman a week and sometimes more than that, and getting laid all the fucking time.

I'm single by choice, because I decided I deserve something better. But make no mistake, the things I say are true, and I learned these things through vast amounts of experience.

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