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Comment Re:Color me surprised (Score 5, Interesting) 178

Ukraine != Russia.

The former Soviet republics that are now independent states (including Ukraine) tend to be friendlier to the US and EU than Russia itself is, because they rely upon NATO support to maintain effective independence from Russian control.

Ukraine != Poland, either. The entire northern half speaks Russian natively and, despite the best efforts of the Ukrainian Ukrainians, they appear to have the upper hand in parliment right now. I'd say that the jury is still out, and while Ukraine certainly isn't Belarus, they lean a lot more towards Moscow than you suggest.

Comment Re:Tablet... Is Not An Ebook Reader... (Score 1) 418

That's it.

Don't use iPad for reading.

Quite right! Use an Android tablet, maybe one of those cheap Nooks with a custom CM9 ROM! Inexpensive, and none of that walled-garden nonsense!

I've been reading books on my phone for years, and I've just started reading them on a tablet. It conveniently there for me when I'm in the mood to read, and it's conveniently there when I'm in the mood to do something else. "a sense of permanence has always been part of the experience"? WTF? It's just a book. A sense of entertaining (or educational) words in a proper sequence pretty much defines it for me.

You dead-tree bibliophiles remind me a movie fans, always talking about "films" and trying to suck the fun out of a diversion. Or vinyl lovers always talking about the "warmth" of the old-school scratchy record sound. The earth is not flat, the horse-drawn carriage is not coming back, and old, inefficient memes are all headed for obsolescence.

Save a tree. Buy a Luddite a tablet!

Comment Re:Ok, hippies, enough is enough (Score 2) 686

Wish I had points to mod parent up. I have a drawer full of EFF T-shirts, but this crusade just doesn't smell right to me. Giving free stuff to strangers without any screening, and volunteering to swallow all the risk for the "common good" goes way past "naive" into "masochistic". There are just too many many ways this can go wrong. Besides, I just don't see this encouraging the sorts of behavior I want to see. We want people to feel they should be able freeload connectivity? Is that the best way to parcel out a scarce resource?

Comment Re:home routers (Score 1) 406

Alternately, it could be said that this is proof that there is not yet a compelling enough reason to migrate to IPv4 for market forces to drive the rates up to the point where it make sense for ISPs to pay for the requisite infrastructure changes. It's either that, or your "Evil-Corporate-Conspiracy" theory. Could go either way.

Comment Got to wonder about motive (Score 1) 810

I don't know what possible good purpose Assange thinks will come out of sharing a list of sensitive sites, but I think that whatever credibility had had going into this is now gone. The guy just hates the U.S. and doesn't seem to care who might be hurt by his grudge. I'm usually the 1st guy to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to sticking it to the man, but this guy is just a jerk.

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