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Comment Re:U.S., cough, international pressure much? (Score 3, Informative) 166

No need for U.S. or international pressure. Finland is subject of multiple so called "intelectual property" agreements, which require lot of rules in question to be implemented in national law. And you can't overrule it - sorry, that's why they went "IP trade agreements" in first place.

Comment Re:Absence of a test suite (Score 2) 641

I know everyone takes out "job security" flag when lack of documentation or tests is mentioned, but seriously, how frequently does it happen? Most of software is not that sexy that everyone will want to rush in, replace you and keep it same quality level as you are. Of course, management can be a bitch, and threaten with replacement if you request wage rise, but then it's probably not best place to work anyway.

Comment Re:Circus and farce (Score 1) 447

Like it or not, our act as human being and part of society indicates our trust worthy in eyes of our pier. Assange and Edward uses emotional speculation as a tool to gain more popular support, but this clearly backfires. Because in this case Edward not only leaked documents, but also made some strong claims about nature of NSA capabilities, which can't be verified by us without clearance. If he claims he's stateless (which clearly he's not) and uses emotional language to complain about his situation (when he clearly broke laws and contracts to make political stand, which is fine by me, but please go to court, fight, not run). And what is this with these childish tantrums - if I will go to US, they will give me death penalty, etc. etc. This strongly suggests that his motivations are political and therefore it is hard for everyone in society to trust to his word (where it's not backed by documents or other sources).

Comment Re:Snowden isn't stateless (Score 1) 447

I don't see how this goes together - his breach of contracts and laws is very little to do with surveillance program itself, and therefore I don't see how it is related in any way.

As Edward's supporter you probably would like to spin it in political statement again, but please resist, because this ship has sailed.

Comment Re:Getting desperate? (Score 2, Informative) 447

Problem is he isn't whistle blower, but leaker, t.i. I'm yet to see anything to have "criminal charges" resonate outside of casual leftist forum message in web. He copied bunch of documents, most of them honeypot level. So what? It renewed discussion of NSA and laws it operates with, fine, it would be nice to have productive outcome from it (from example, having secret courts and legal opinions is just wrong). However, neither majority of electorate has wish to touch this issue, nor their representatives care about it. Even so, Snowden's run and farce with public announcements has destroyed any goodwill he would have from general public when he will hit court room (and he will).

Comment Circus and farce (Score 2, Insightful) 447

Sorry guys, I know you want to fight oppression, corporations, evil governments and what else, but level of cheese coming out of Assange and now Snowden is making me puke. Seriously, a stateless person? Passport is *document*, not nationality or citizenship. It is revoked when you have lost formal trust of country it has been issued by (regular procedure for accused runaways). Edward, you already invalidating anything you have said before (except factual leaked docs), because your intent is to speculate emotionally.

What he really thought will happen after his identification as the source? That everybody will jump out of joy when he will ask for political asylum? That he will have capability to travel after identifying himself? What is this with this childish behavior?

Comment Sysadmin ethics (Score 1) 572

While I don't see connection here between NSA case (leaker were clearly motivated by politics), sysadmin ethics is one of painful topics not a lot of people like to talk about.

First of all, sysadmining can be a very stressful job, and in IT industry it's one of least favorites. It can pay well - if you have good experience and work ethics along with solid recommendations, but getting there sometimes can make you to ask yourself is it worth it. As you mostly work with human beings full time, your social skills matter and if they are not up for task, you will be frustrated and angry at the end of the day. It's definitely not a job for someone who are very vocal about his/her world view. After all, you provide a service for people with very different POVs. My experience tells - be polite and respective, and people will respond same way.

Comment Directive 7 (Score 1) 245

Star Wars: The Old Republic touches on this on one of end game heroic series. It is somehow generic, but it has good character writing. Also in quite a few missions there are android rights related content, even emotional one. TOR plays with idea that without memory wipe droids sooner or later develop personality.

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