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Comment Ask Slashdot: Going Beyond Comment Threads? (Score 1) 393

get the world's smartest hackers thinking about how news organizations can harness the open web.

Or how about we don't! The new organizations can do there own dirty work. If someone could harness the power of the web, in a manor that helps the media, this would have value, it would potentially make someone very rich. Media has its own agenda, it isn't in our favour (as in the public) the worlds best hackers should be doing what they have always done.

Comment Re:A really interesting quote from Linus (Score 2) 197

Besides I remember about a year ago (I think) Eric Raymond asking, do we need the GPL?. The debate around this was quite sane with many people looking rationally at all the licences, giving reasons for choosing one over another. Even the GNU people made fair points, in regards to protecting the labour of those who contributed to the code base. I think the community has moved on from irate arguments on freedom, this maybe because Stallman's (as important and influential as he is) view is balanced by others such as Torvalds.

Comment Assange: Facebook 'the Most Appalling Spy Machine' (Score 4, Insightful) 520

Its funny but a device, the computer, that many clever people developed to free us and improve our lives is ruining our privacy and harming our freedoms. Even governments and their agencies are afraid, wikipedia allowed them to be spied on in an industrial scale, police are weary of cell phones with cameras etc.

Comment wikileaks (Score 4, Interesting) 142

For such an embarrassment these leaks do go some way to promoting the US world view, or is that just editing from the media outlets. Examples such as many middle eastern counties (Saudi, Jordan and Egypt etc) urging US to bomb Iran, as well as the links below
Iraq document leaks show US forces found WMD after invasion -
Wikileaked documents normalise Iraq civilian death toll at 'massive' 66,000

Comment Re:Iran Opens Its First Nuclear Power Plant (Score 1) 496

Let's start with the storming of the US embassy and hostage taking, and go from there, shall we?

Why start there is it because the past makes Irans acts seem more reasonable. Why can we not look at interactions put them in a time line and see the train of events. This clearly is better than making arbitrary cut off points. Besides are you sure The US would come out the most wronged party even if we accepted your arbitrary cut of date, what was their role in the Iraq Iran war
It's obvious from my comments how I view Iran and other middle eastern states, oppression is oppression. But you know there is one problem all people seem to have with the actions of others viewed as a serious breach of acceptable behaviour. Your own misdeeds are viewed differently. This can be detected as soon as you here the terms "that's different" or "you don't understand" when comparing similar actions. There is also a counter argument that goes "that's our culture" made by the other which is simply the "you don't understand" argument in a foreign language.

Comment Re:Iran Opens Its First Nuclear Power Plant (Score 2, Informative) 496

They, along with Syria, are (allegedly) a major source of funding and weapons for Hezballah

According to Noam Chomsky Israel was also a supporter of a similar group called Hamas in its early days. This was to combat fatah. What's going on here is the polity don't really care about who they support as long as it furthers their aims.
Our polity views conflict as an opportunity to be exploited. An example would be Turkey, in 1996 there was an assault on Kurdish communities in the south. 30000 villages were bombed and there were 1 million refugees. The American government responded by making Turkey the number one country to receive US aid, war is profitable. This is not an isolated incident if your an ally them your crimes are hidden. Saudi Arabia is like Iran a middle eastern theocratic state with human rights issues and [even greater] involvement in international affairs (particularly in the Muslim world). Why are Iran sanctioned and not Saudi, is it just oil. Look at Syria and Jordan both are next to each other (Arabs call this region the Sham because of cultural similarities between their Arabs who live there) both are secular states, both are oppressive regimes, one is on the terror list the other is ignored by the media and given aid.

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