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Comment Re:A Way Out (Score 1) 106

Consider the size of US debts to China. Consider that we could seize and keep Chinese assets for the crime of cyber espionage. Or as an alternative we could try a hack that destroys the economic system of China. Maybe China needs a formal warning that we make make them howl, gnash their teeth and cast them into darkness for eternity.

IMHO wrecking the Chinese economy would have significant negative impact on our own.

Comment Re:it solves some unicode issues (Score 2) 774

For what it's worth, this paragraph makes a ton of sense to me. The biggest problem with Linux, both on the desktop and to a lesser extent on the server, was the fact that you got a basically half-baked set of components that were hardly integrated at all.

Lack of integration is what makes these things flexible. As soon as we codify One True Way of integration that flexibility will be gone.

I'm an insane person though. I use Gentoo and Slackware in production.

Comment Re:Profitable, if self-contradictory (Score 1) 549

Hedging our bets would be sending high speed one-way generational ships out of this solar system. Mars is not much of a hedge. Even if mars was fully self sufficient, many of the most likely killers like nuclear war probably wouldn't spare a colony on mars. I'm not saying that we shouldn't do it though. I think one of the greatest benefits would be learning to run a full blown biosphere so when we finally damage our current biosphere beyond repair at least we know how to create glass cities to live in.

One step at a time. Mars will teach us a lot of what we'll need to do something like that.

Comment Re:uhh (Score 1) 549

Nash is a schizophrenic who ended up in a psychiatric hospital and is at least partially responsible for the Cold War paranoia of the 70's. Could've picked a better example there bud.

He also practically invented Game Theory which revolutionized science, sociology, and mathematics. Sometimes it takes someone with extremely abnormal thinking to see what others can't. John Nash recovered from his problems and was awarded a Nobel Prize in Economic Science in 1994 and a Double Helix medal in 2010. I don't think I could have picked a better example.

Comment Re:I'll just let my sig do the talking (Score 1) 478

Each Tomahawk missile costs about 1.41 million. The cost of a 16 in artillery shell is about $500. If we are going to waste money can we at least do it a little more efficiently?

A Tomahawk is (ideally) less likely to go off target than an artillery shell. When a Tomahawk happens to hit non-combatants it's called a malfunction. When a Tomahawk is working correctly it will always hit the correct target, no matter where that target may be, and inflict minimal collateral damage. Collateral damage is also a malfunction. Only barbarians would use cheap artillery and take responsibility for harming those inclined to be anywhere near the intended target.

Comment Re:more direct connection to producers (Score 1) 191

Right... So, people have stopped buying monitors from Dell simply because they can buy similar Korean monitors direct on eBay? No? Oh, right, because people like to have warranties and have the ability to get stuff replaced in a timely manner when it fails.

I have stopped buying electronics from US companies because I can get the same quality (sometimes better) buying directly from Chinese factories. The prices are better and they offer 6 month warranties on just about anything (and I have tested these warranties).

Comment Re:Yeah, it's creatitive (Score 1) 174

Creativity is one important skill children need to develop. I think this kind of effusive praise willfully ignores that sometimes these activities can and do take the place of other important childhood activities in some cases.

And that brings me to how I kind of lament the lack of textual information in modern games. I learned a rather large amount of reading(and vocabulary) skills by trying to understand what games were saying as a child.

The universality of voice acting harms how much children can develop by reading.

100% this. I hated reading as a child until I came across Final Fantasy 6.

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