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Comment Re:Not a surprise, but still... (Score 2, Insightful) 464

They teach them to parrot "freedom!" rhetoric, while not bothering to teach them about the foundation of our government, Constitution, etc. In fact, they undermine it by educating them from "summarized" versions of the Bill of Rights or by having class lessons on "revising the constitution", strongly implying in their young mushy brains that the constitution is a living yadda yadda yadda (because, you know, things like preventing the government from infringing on the rights of women to vote are things that may someday need to be changed to fit into the world we live in blah blah blah).

In my entire school life, we spent far more time in DARE programs than we did learning about government, liberties, and civics.

Comment Re:They'd get convicted again (Score 1) 149

MSIE wasn't decent, either. Didn't stop anyone.

In fact, one might assert that providing a worse bundled product was more damaging as it would cut down other vendors and give users a false sense of security. (If this report were even legitimate).

Of course, Defender isn't even bundled (you have to actively seek it out, download it, and install it), so I don't think the "anti-trust!" thing even applies.

Comment Re:Civil forfeiture (Score 1) 177

Yep. It has been happening at least since the early 90s. Where do you think most/all of those police-department lambourghinis and mustangs and zrocs came from? They seize people's shit, keep what they want, auction off the rest and pocket the money. You can get incredible deals at police auctions, but I refuse to ever buy anything, myself, because I find it disgusting.

Comment Re:Can it be invalidated? (Score 1) 177

The point of Silk Road was private transactions. They tried to propagandize the idea t hat it's "only for illegal drugs" to justify their actions, when what they were really angry about was simply cracking down on purportedly untraceable money. That people are going around repeating the drug thing suggests their effort worked.

Comment Re:Reverse Santa? (Score 5, Insightful) 418

You have to remember, the democrats and liberals have to demonize and misrepresent libertarians because they thrive on a two party (acting as one) system and the republicans and conservatives have to demonize and misrepresent libertarians because they thrive on a two party (acting as one) system.

Comment Re:SO, does it look the same as it did in 1969? (Score 5, Funny) 268

I'm really tired of the media and politicians dismissing our lack of investment in science and space exploration by belittling Chinese efforts. "Durp durp, we already done been to the Moon, you stupid backwards Chiners durp durp!".

It's a first step that they'll likely quickly capitalize on and while our media and government like to convince us that the Chinese are goofy little 50-years-later-runners-up, they're an economic and political powerhouse that will, if they decide to invest further in it, leapfrog our accomplishments by light years. And sooner rather than later.

If we don't get serious about doing it ourselves -- or even better, co-operating with scientists on an international scale for the betterment of everyone -- we're going to look like the back water yokels.

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