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Comment Re:Extremely weird (Score 4, Informative) 230

It's a race-condition, either crashing your ancient kernel or causing software using certain kernel-calls to effectively lock up. In both cases load seems to be a factor.

Over here the race-condition coincided with the actual leap-second and the start of the first batch of cronjobs at 02:00 local time.

(I'm all for switching unix time to a simple counter and leaving it to the calendar libs to put the leap seconds where necessary)

Bad idea. It would have prevented kernels affected by the race-condition from crashing, but would have meant most of your running software would have been either hit by this bug or would have been on the mercy of a 17 year old pimple-faced coder.

I think I prefer a crash over the mayhem caused by banking-software not handling a leap-second correctly. That could bankrupt whole countries.

Comment Re:FUD? (Score 2) 230

Now that Linux hit the same type of hurdle, we're all of a sudden being very nuanced about the definition of code quality? Typical.

Wow. You're still pissed over Azure failing, your Xbox disabling itself, your Zune crashing for a full day and your Outlook manhandling your appointments (on more than one occasion)?

Talk about carrying a grudge..

Comment You probably don't do much Java, then (Score 5, Informative) 230

As it turns out my biggest problems was customer-supplied software which uses their own java jre's. We install a jre by default and update it whenever possible, but some software (Adeptia, VLTrader, Alfresco) comes with their own ancient jre and scripts to call that over system-supplied java.

Not a single machine crashed (we are very explicitly in charge of what OS-version there's running) but a lot of java locked up and had to be restarted.

I can even see a small bump in the power-usage around two o' clock (0:00 GMT).

Comment Re:Wrong units. Please correct the summary. (Score 1) 75

Oddly enough I don't even need a calculator to help you with that.

Two-thirds of a mile deep, two miles long, walls 10 feet apart.

Metric isn't strange and esoteric, it's all closely related. 1 Ampere is the current needed to generate 1 Newton of force between two 1 meter long sections of wire, 1 meter apart in a perfect vacuum.

Now try that with pounds-force, feet and Amperes. (0.2248 lbf, 3' 3.37" , 1A) (Yes, I needed a calculator for that..)

Comment Re:They are even dumber than they seem. (Score 1) 936

Besides the crocodiles and birds (which share a common ancestor with Archaeopteryx) there's the always popular Coelacanth ( ) which hasn't changed much in the last 400,000,000 years.

Many more examples exist, in the form of plants (ferns, Pteridophyta), insects (Rhyniognatha) Amphibians (Ichthyostega) and so on.

Comment Re:More than that... (Score 1) 404

You don't need to back that far. We have general vaccinations over here. Before that one or two out of every ten kids would die of diphtheria. One in a hundred would end up severely paralysed by poliomyelitis. We haven't seen a single case of diphtheria in thirty years, and poliomyelitis-epidemics are restricted to the bible-belters.

That's just sixty years ago. My mother (born in the thirties) lost a brother to diphtheria, so that era is still in living memory.

Comment Re:Missing Options (Score 1) 356

Agreed. With objection to 'raining'. A real biker don't care about no stinking rain. A poncho will take care of that. And, before you mention that: fleece, perhaps multiple layers, will take care of freezing. Last winter brought -5 F and I never missed a single bike-ride.

Comment Re:Counting minor variations... (Score 1) 280

I haven't handled cash in any significant amount for years. Last time an ATM and /me met was three months ago. Stupid parking meter that only accept coins. Go to ATM, get a 10 euro note. Buy bottle of water in shop, use change to feed the parking meter.

I guess ATM's are the main source of my exposure to Windows.

And I **hate** that. With a vengeance.

Comment Re:Inexperienced drivers are inexperienced (Score 1) 217

No amount of experience will make texting while driving safe.

And equally: even experienced drinkers (alcoholics) still cause accidents.

This is not an age-thing. However: texting while driving is an additional risk, another way to have more funerals between 16 and 25, and every attempt to stop that is a good one.

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