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Comment Re:Eerie (Score 2, Interesting) 234

You make it seem like this was a carefully crafted strategy from Apple. But that is simply not the case.

It just so happened that Steve Jobs thought that everyone would be happy to play in his walled garden while he collected tax. However, with Android coming out with flash..and considering the speed at which android phones are selling, he figured that the best thing to do would be to eat his pride and his words and fix those features that are missing.

Apple was wrong to have placed all those restrictions on the iphone. This is the Apple way of acknowledging their mistake.

Comment Re:But what created the law of gravity? (Score 1) 1328

When we speak about the origins of the world, we are referring to the first step in the natural processes which led to the world and everything within it. The doctrine of first cause posits that this first natural step was set into motion by a *supernatural* initiator who is above and beyond all known natural laws. This supernatural being is referred to as God.

So by definition God is *super* natural and therefore does not require a natural cause to come to be.

Comment Re:The fact is, US is just as bad as China (Score 1) 536

Despite all the efforts of the establishment to eat into the free speech rights on individuals in the US, US is still better than a LOT of places when it comes to freedom of speech.

Speaking as an Indian, I know for a fact that my life would be in grave danger if I started a blog documenting all the corruption going on in India (something I have been wanting to do and have been working on). I have been working on getting a friend of mine to host a site for me outside India so that the Indian government won't be able to take down the site as well, in case they turn against me.

Well, one may point out a few examples where people have been targeted for doing something similar in the US, but I can assure you that it is a LOT worse in places like India.

And in countries like China and Russia, it is actually even worse than in India. In Russia there is a very high likelihood that you will be killed if you speak too much against the establishment. In China, you will probably end up in jail for a long, long time.

So for those who live in the US, please be a little bit more thankful for what you have and instead of getting distracted with all the shiny gadgets and the stupid debates about right vs left, please do try and protect what is remaining of the rights that you have.

Comment Re:There's a name for people like this... (Score 1) 780

Cowards. If you are willing to put your name on a petition to get a measure on the ballot, then you should be willing to stand by your decision. Claiming you don't want your name to be revealed because your friends and neighbors might think differently about you is no excuse to try and hide from your decision.

Would you apply these same standards to elections as well? or is that a special case where anonymity is more important and cowardice is acceptable?

Comment Re:I love moderates (Score 1) 1318

And there aren't many people who would say that the Hebrews were necessarily a completely peaceful people. From the massacre of the worshipers of the golden calf to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, there was plenty of violence to go around.

According to the Bible, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God... Jews as a race didn't even exist. Even Abraham wasn't a jew then.

Comment Re:Point by point (Score 1) 510

Your view is subjective. Flash crashes on YOUR computer. I use Windows, Mac OSX and Linux and I don't experience the problems that you are experiencing with flash.

Your linux distribution not coming with Flash isn't Flash's fault - it is the issue with those who put the distro together or due to licensing problems.. hardly a fault of the technology.

About open source support for flash - please do google for open source flash engines (hint - there are many) for application development, for charts and graphs, for games etc.

Comment Re:God I love these "You must run xxx OS" edicts (Score 1) 1217

A lot of commenters seem to believe that ALL kids just want to be exactly like each other. I am sorry, but that is just not the case. A LOT of kids like to have things which no one else has.. also, I am guessing this girl is secretly proud of the fact that she can work a bit with Linux while the rest of the kids probably have a lot of trouble using windows with all the virus problems.

Comment Re:Point by point (Score 1) 510

  • Reason No. 1: Flash's sub-pixel resolution and anti-aliasing: Seriously?


Reason No. 2: Flash beats Canvas: Ok, I bet there are still some things that Flash does better/faster. But complaining that HTML5 sometimes has bad performance isn't too compelling for me, since Flash constantly crashes on me. Further, the idea that HTML5 is bad because some browser might work a little different doesn't quite work for me since: (A) HTML5 is new and not complete, and it will take a little while to work things out. (B) At least I have the option of different browsers; if Adobe Flash Player isn't working for me, there's not really too much I can do.

I have yet to encounter problems with the Flash player not playing some content in flash - I have had on rare occasions had to reinstall the plugin due to some browser problem or because of a newer flash version, but I cannot say that the flash player keeps crashing on me. But perhaps it is just me.

Reason No. 3: Flash's good developer tools: Fair enough.

Reason No. 4: Flash's supercool fonts: Better support for custom fonts is being built into HTML5/CSS3. Flash shouldn't really be used for rendering text on websites anyway, since it interferes with searching and linking and indexing.

Have you looked at HTML5 and SVG before? I have. Try rendering something complex with it and then try indexing the resulting code. There will be very little actual text worth indexing - most of it will be vector animation instructions. The same applies to stuff such as processing. Actually, the SVG animations are far more difficult to index than even RTF documents (which don't contain a lot of vector drawing instructions).

Example (from alistapart):

function drawSimpleCanvas() {
    var canvas =
    if (canvas.getContext) {
        var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

        ctx.beginPath(); // the circle
        ctx.fillStyle = "#ff0000";
        ctx.arc(50, 50, 30, 0, 2*Math.PI, true);
        ctx.save(); // move and resize the octagon
        ctx.translate(100, 20);
        ctx.scale(1.65, 1.65);
        ctx.fillStyle = "#0000ff";
        ctx.moveTo(36, 25); ctx.lineTo(25, 36);
        ctx.lineTo(11, 36); ctx.lineTo(0, 25);
        ctx.lineTo(0, 11); ctx.lineTo(11, 0);
        ctx.lineTo(25, 0); ctx.lineTo(36, 11);
        ctx.fill(); // restore graphics as they // were before move and resize
        ctx.fillStyle = "#00ff00";
        ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
        ctx.rect(60, 20, 60, 60);

You are better off providing supplementary text surrounding the animation which could be indexed by search engines.

Reason No. 5: Flash is write once, play everywhere: More like write once, play anywhere that runs Flash. That means play anywhere on Windows desktops, kind of play on Mac and Linux but not well, and then barely play on some mobile devices.

This is pure B.S. If flash doesn't play well on a device, it is very unlikely that the same device will have enough muscle to play the equivalent HTML5 animation.

Reason No. 6: The Flash commercial ecosystem: Ok. I don't know if this is an actual benefit, or if you lose more support through being semi-closed than you gain by having some commercial support.

Oh ok. So having commercial support is a negative now? There are whole suites of products which support flash developers - if you are not aware of those products, please refrain from commenting on them. By the way, there are also opensource products for flash developers.

Reason No. 7: Flash's game engines: I don't get it. Why is he talking about "Born to Run"?

There are a number of excellet flash game engines. A quick google search would have showed you the same:

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