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Comment Re:Good for Samba/Windows interoperability (Score 1) 124

We use centrify express and the uid/gid conversion results in a number far higher than 1000. Its a good system if you start out that way but will be a pain when you change uid/gid schemes. I dont think its going to be a problem with a really good system administrator group because uid/gid combinations should have been standardized from the start for service accounts and users.

Comment minor change really (Score 1) 124

This change doesnt really do anything important. It means that when you add a user without specifiying a uid it will default to the next available uid after 999. The only issue this will pose in a real environment is if there is no centralized account administration and sys admins are not paying attention. I honestly use centrify express, which uses arbitary high uid scheme, based off active directory (unfortunately a required to use it), which is something that can be configured for ldap/kerb setups too.

Comment Re:No sympathy here, sorry (Score 1) 844

Even in the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) the notion of conscience is recognized in the course of the execution of one's duty. If a service member is witness to criminal actions by his superiors, he is compelled by duty, honor and conscience to report it.

Pretty sure, in the bolded statement that they meant report it to a superior officer or up the chain of command, not to media outlets....

Comment Re:No sympathy here, sorry (Score 1) 844

If he truely had the intention of trying to bring to light some questionable acts, he went about it the wrong way. To explain in IT terms, its like finding out your company is storing passwords in plain text files, do you A) tell your management or B) Post them on the internet? If your management does not listen, then you go further up the chain. That is the right and responsible thing to do.

Comment Re:No sympathy here, sorry (Score 1) 844

Sigh, you're trying to compare two different situations, like the replies to this post too. No one ever got hung for keeping secrets. They got hung because they took part in the act or ordered it. Manning was not in that helicopter shooting people, he is some guy who found the video and leaked it. Two completely different scenarios that people apparently just dont get.

Comment Re:Do not want (Score 1) 554

If I had a choice I'd extend my life so that I can enjoy life more by being able to do more. I'm 30 yrs old and I'm already slowing down. The notion that for me to enjoy life I must expect death, which can happen at any point along the way, is a crock of shit. The problem with saying let nature take its course, is what is the natural course? The idea of letting nature take its course would apply to other aspects like using our technology to deflect an earth killer asteroid. That is a natural death and yet we would try to avoid it.

I'm not saying there wouldnt be challenges for the individual or the society but let the person deicde their own fate and do not dictate to them whether or not, if available in the future, if they could have this drug. I suspect the easiest thing that would be is if they decided to move on, they stop taking the drug.

Comment Re:Dogs made man. Was Re:Maybe, but... (Score 2, Insightful) 716

I think its comparing apples to oranges. No one is saying that cats were not as important in the development of man. I would think they got shafted because people sort of forget thats why people kept cats around (my parents always had a cat to keep rats away). The argument is over the intelligence of the two and stating that dogs are smarter. Taking the GP argument and moving forward 25,000 years to present day, the dog's role has evolved with society while the cats role really has not evolved. Taking out the companion role of both pets, you really dont see cats filling any gaps in society except maybe as a therapy animal and keeping rodents away. Cats certainly do not function for bomb detection, drug detection, search and rescue, and the various other needs that law enforcements use them.

200 Students Admit Cheating After Professor's Online Rant 693

Over 200 University of Central Florida students admitted to cheating on a midterm exam after their professor figured out at least a third of his class had cheated. In a lecture posted on YouTube, Professor Richard Quinn told the students that he had done a statistical analysis of the grades and was using other methods to identify the cheats, but instead of turning the list over to the university authorities he offered the following deal: "I don't want to have to explain to your parents why you didn't graduate, so I went to the Dean and I made a deal. The deal is you can either wait it out and hope that we don't identify you, or you can identify yourself to your lab instructor and you can complete the rest of the course and the grade you get in the course is the grade you earned in the course."

Comment Re:Fear & Ignorance (Score 1) 1530

How do you explain that every republican president, since as far as I can remember which is Reagan, has tried the trickle down method for boosting the economy and we always end up in a recession. Then comes Clinton who reverses the idea and the economy bloomed? Its a proven fact that when the Republicans do the trickle down method they're only helping the rich make more money without that extra money really getting down to the middle class and poor to boost the economy.

Comment Re:Obama should just call for elections (Score 1) 1530

That was the thing that really pissed me off. I started working at a new company in March and my healthcare with them was lower, then the healthcare reformed got passed and my costs went up a week or two later, as though it was planned. So now all my copays are more and I pay more per month...but hell if I go to any doctor I get slapped with a letter from my insurance demanding that I prove that my visit was not for a pre-existing condition. They can get away with it because those provisions have not taken effect yet.

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