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Comment Re:Comcast are blocking HBO Go (Score 1) 550

I don't think net neutrality is the issue with PS4 clients being locked out. The data can get from HBO to the customer's PS4. The PS4 can't authenticate that the customer is a subscriber of Comcast. Unless Comcast and HBO have terms as part of their agreement that say that Comcast needs to provide a mechanism for HBO to authenticate their PS4 customers, then it is a business decision between HBO and Comcast (and maybe possibly Sony a bit) to hammer out. Why should Comcast bend over backwards to the business needs of any and all of it's channel suppliers for any and every device that may want to be compatible without compensation...especially since there are clearly other ways to get HBO Go on Comcast's network (at least their portal and Ruku).

Comment Re:basically how the UAE works (Score 2) 247

I think you might be thinking of Qatar where it's been in the news more recently regarding domestic slaves er I mean workers. Employers confiscate the passports, overwork, beat, and or assault the workers, don't pay them, and when they become a issue turn them over to the government to deport. If they try to leave on their own, guess what...they don't have any paperwork so they are just as screwed as if they remained.


Comment Re: Have Settled Charges? (Score 2) 97

Maybe. Are you such that the chances that the government would ever get the £60 minimal? The IRS for instance has settled back taxes, fines, and other penalties for a fraction of what was owed because they realize something is better than nothing. Other civil settlements are similar. Heck, even early release/parole/suspended sentences for criminal convictions can be viewed as paying a fraction of what is actually owed.

Comment Re:Better get the service manual, then (Score 5, Funny) 33

I definitely wouldn't get the Haynes manual. It covers 16 model years and it's just going to be very generic drawings of the circuits that are pretty obvious anyways. Plus half the photos are just going to be stock photos that may or may not have come from an actual rover tear down. Some may be from a lunar rover...a few probably will be from Voyager or Pioneer too. The spark plug diagnosis photos though will be useful in determining if it's running rich or improperly gapped or physically damaged. Or completely missing.

Comment Re:Secure is now illegal (Score 1) 199

Even then, if your evidence of intent is too deeply technical, you conviction is at risk, because a jury absolutely hates any deep technical discussions (they are not, in general, technically-minded people).

I'm not sure a persons want to risk their freedom if they were to ever to be accused of something and was relying on technical details as a defense. I think for the average jury all the prosecution would have to do is say "We found this horrible image of a child on their computer" and instantly they are branded a monster no matter how innocent they may really be.

Comment Re:doesn't DNA age or lose fidelity ? (Score 3, Interesting) 55

They will still age and degrade, but the cold temperatures and lack of oxygen due to their packaging prolong the process. It's kind of like a sealed or open package in your fridge and freezer. The better sealed and the colder stored, the longer whatever it is will last...but only up to a point.

Depending on the seed type it may only be a relatively short time, say a dozen or two years, or it may be decades or much much longer for a more hardy seed. Whatever that time limit is, seeds can be rotated out, planted, and hopefully new generations grown to be refrozen perpetuating the cycle.

Comment Re:file transfer (Score 1) 466

The new machines lack LPT ports? WTF kind of machine did you buy without an LPT port? A laptop, sure, a desktop? You have to look hard, even today to find a machine that doesn't have a printer port.

You haven't bought a computer recently, have you? A quick check of the top 10 motherboards sold by Amazon shows that not a single one has a parallel port (or serial port for that matter).

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