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Comment Re: Marketing? (Score 1) 239

I swear I did a good job tying the boat up. I have no freaking idea why it got loose and drifted over Niagara Falls LOL. Sure - there are any number of creative ways to not notice. Sins of ommission and very hard to get caught. Well very hard if every email you ever send isn't on 4CHAN or CNN within the hour ;)

Comment Re:Cartooney. (Score 1) 163

Wow - that is a GREAT conspiracy/truther/nutjob post. I cannot be anything but impressed as to how many elements were seamlessly woven into the whole. BTW - the real life not-insane version of this is sovereign immunity. If you go to sue the *government*, the first part of the suit is to determine if the government feels like being sued. If the answer is no - then you get to pound sand. THIS issue is the opposite. The suit here is trying to do what the plaintiff thinks the government should be doing and is not - trying to confiscate profits from this movie. I guess his damages are the 0.0000000001% increase in taxes because of this lost revenue or some other nebulous reasoning the judge will toss.

Comment Re:Ride sharing? (Score 1) 139

The FAA version of this law to tell airplane ride-sharing apart from charter aircraft is the following - Common purpose, cost sharing, and prior relationship. This means you both want to go the store, not you asking your passenger where he wants to go, you are not charing more than a pro-rate share of the cost of the trip, and you knew each other prior to this trip.

Comment Re:H1-B debate? (Score 1) 398

The point of systems like the H1B scheme is (meant to be) to expand the labour pool when there are more jobs for competent people than there are competent people, not to drive down local wages by displacing people ... NOT! The poitn was always cheap indentured servants no matter what BS the lobbyists spewed to get the laws passed.

Comment Re:A tech gloss over racial profiling? (Score 2) 218

This is the eternal rabbit-hole of political correctness. I'll leave racist police asside for the moment. If the given starting point is that cannot POSSIBLY commit more crimes than any other group because even thinking this thought is racist, then any kind of data set that shows this HAS to be racist on its face.

Comment Re:good (Score 4, Insightful) 341

Emotion and suffering are not remotely unique to Chimps. What is perhaps unique is how they can be made to suffer. A nice cage with a habitrail and some good mouse-chow (tm) will make for some happy mice. No cats in here and all the free food I can eat. To a chimp it is just being in jail. Either one will be in agony if you put acid in their eyes.

Comment plenty of aliens I bet (Score 1) 334

Considering the recent discoveries right here on Earth of life forms that live in incredibly harsh environments like geothermal vents and the ongoing discoveries of planets in other solar systems, I bet something that counts as alive lives all over the universe. Finding a technological civilization OTOH, that one looks tough. Pretty sure no one has yet got a >C starship going or they would be here and everywhere else too. We will likely be the first if it can be done at all and then the aliens we find will be selling us New_Manhattan for $24 worth of old DVDs and regretting it soon after....

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