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Comment Re:Why can't we have rational gun control? (Score 1) 1862

You also didn't have many massacres before.

Australia was about the same, averaging something like 16 years between massacres. The massacre prior to the Port Arthur massacre was about 16 years before. It's been about 16.5, so we'll see if the sweeping gun ban in Australia did anything, Also worth pointing out that New Zealand which has far looser regulations on guns did not experience any massacres either in that time frame.

Comment Re:Oops, they forgot something (Score 1) 1862

have there been any instance of average citizens carrying firearms and causing problems? I see you found 2 kinda sorta examples. There are states like Vermont that have not required a permit to carry concealed since the early 1900s, then there are states like WA which have been shall issue since 1960, then the slow change from no/may issue to shall issue starting with Florida in 1987 all the way to Wisconsin in 2011, with 40 or so states shall issue or no permit required.

Surely you have some evidence of a significant problem with people who carry firearms in public to justify your fears, right?

Comment Re:I don't understand the "high cap" magazine ban (Score 1) 1862

Time reloading is less than 2 seconds. The people usually stop when they fell like it (Aurora), or when they encounter resistance (everyone else).

2 second pause is not enough time to flee or take action against a shooter. If it was, the Virginia tech shooter should have been taken down during one of the many times he reloaded his handguns (he brought more than a dozen spare magazines with him.)

Pump action firearms have been used in mass shootings, as have bolt-action rifles, see the Cumbria shootings in England 2010; guy killed 12 with a bold action rifle and double barrel shotgun.

If you think the line in the Constitution is outdated and inapplicable, feel free to contact your elected officials and ask for a bill to be introduced to amend the Constitution to be more in line with what you think it should mean now.

Comment Re:I don't understand the "high cap" magazine ban (Score 1) 1862

This is how we know they never dig into the stats or facts surrounding an issue, but simply watch TV and decide that the more something covered, the more it must be happening.

We've seen this with school shootings, kidnapping by strangers, terrorism, plane crashes, etc.
Each garner an extreme amount of attention by the news, complete with them trying to tie the recent event to events years and hundreds/thousands of miles apart, yet the facts show that it's exceptionally rare and difficult to stop without spending an extreme amount of time and energy harming and burdening people who will never be a problem.

Comment Re:I don't understand the "high cap" magazine ban (Score 1) 1862

I don't see any proposals to amend the COTUS to change the 2nd amendment, just attempts to pretend the 2nd means something else and legislate it out of existence.

I can't help but wonder if the people doing this realize the impact such a precendent sets when it comes to other rights.

Comment Re:I don't understand the "high cap" magazine ban (Score 1) 1862

Mass shootings have been farirly steady in this country for decades. A handful of people kill about 120 or so. This is maybe 1% of the total homicide picture in tis country.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 449

Bingo. believe it or not, airliners do not like losing airplanes. Their profit margins are too thin to tolerate too many losses. Insurance companies don't like paying multi-hundred million dollar payments for crashed airplanes and lawsuit settlements. These two together can do a much better job of being self regulating while also being agile enough to deal with new challenges and move past solved ones. If it makes people feel better, only fly the airline that also uses a third party like UL or an airline equivalent to inspect/monitor/audit.

Comment Re:Good move. (Score 1) 180

BEFSX41 or something like that. In the day, Kazaa/Morpheus would crush mine and require a reboot, as would random days throughout the month.

In 2006, I replaced it with a D-Link DGL-4100 which only needed to be rebooted when I felt like upgrading the firmware or (more irritatingly) when changing certain features. IN 2008, I went to Cisco 1711 router for the experience, and then to an ASA5505.

Comment Re:EPIRB (Score 1) 340

I did that USA-centric thing again. Sorry.

The same licensing things applies for vessels flagged in other countries as well. I don't how harmonized the permits/licenses are, but I get the impression the classifications all have an easy to determine equivalent in each country that's part of the treaty(ies).

Comment Re:EPIRB (Score 1) 340

Icom is another well known company that makes Marine HF and VHF equipment. If you have a general or higher (or older equivalent) amateur radio, you can use the HF marine radio to talk on the amateur radio frequencies if it has that capability (the Icom HF can be configured to operate on amateur frequencies).

You will also need at least a Restricted Radiotelephone Operator's License http://wireless.fcc.gov/commoperators/index.htm?job=rr to legally operate an HF radio on a marine vessel OR a VHF in other country's territorial waters. You may also need a ship's license http://wireless.fcc.gov/services/index.htm?job=licensing&id=ship_stations.

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