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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 30 declined, 11 accepted (41 total, 26.83% accepted)


Submission + - Hotmail => iPhone/iPod Touch?

whisper_jeff writes: Has anyone found a (free) way to read Hotmail messages on their iPhone/iPod Touch? Forwarding to gmail seems to be out because Hotmail doesn't consider to be a "custom domain" and I'm not interested in the third party for-a-fee services so I was hoping the greater minds on Slashdot have found the solution. Anyone? And, of course, this begs the question of why hasn't a developer made an app for this?

Submission + - CBC Discusses Copyright

whisper_jeff writes: CBC Radio takes a close look at copyright and the battle's the have arisen in the attempt to achieve a "fair" balance between creator rights and public fair use (what they term as "the copyfight"). With Slashdot favourites such as Cory Doctorow and Michael Geist amongst those being interviewed (among many other learned folks), it should come as little surprise that the discussion is very balanced and quite informative. The audio runs 54 minutes but it's well worth the listen for anyone who is interested in the topic (and we should all be interested in it, imho).

Submission + - Watchmen Delayed, or Worse

whisper_jeff writes: Due to some potential copyright issues, The Watchmen might be delayed, or worse. It seems that Fox claims it still owns copyrights which would prevent Warner Bros from releasing the movie. US District Court Judge Gary Feess decided that Fox had enough of a case that he's willing to hear things out. The geek in me hopes that it will be resolved quickly and the movie will hit theaters on time.

Submission + - iPhone Rate Plans Announced in Canada

whisper_jeff writes: Rogers Canada (and Fido Canada have finally announced their rate plans for the iPhone north of the border. I anticipate many Canadians to be disappointed that the (expensive) plans fail to offer unlimited data. Plans start at 400MB ranging up to 2GB rather than matching the unlimited data plans offered by AT&T. In an age when other countries continue to pull ahead for cell and internet service and, given that these plans are connected to one of the hottest wireless data devices of the decade, it is surprising to see Rogers fail so completely to step up to the plate. Will consumer dissatisfaction with the plans keep people away or will the cool factor of the iPhone be enough for people to overlook the plans' shortcomings? I, for one, will stick with my iPod Touch and regular, boring cell phone.

Submission + - Canadian DMCA Inbound

whisper_jeff writes: So, it seems that Bill C-61 (the Canadian DMCA) has finally been released. Michael Geist has a quick summary of the major points that immediately caught his attention and there are some major concerns there. As a Canadian, I've already contact my member of parliament and I urge all fellow Canadians to do the same. The world does not need another restrictive DMCA designed to empower big media at the expense of consumer rights.

Submission + - iPhone (Finally) Coming to Canada

whisper_jeff writes: It's finally happening — the iPhone is coming to Canada. Not surprisingly, Rogers will be the carrier to bring the phone north of the border but it remains to be seen what their plans will cost. Data rates are notoriously high in the frozen north (with Rogers being a key culprit in the high costs) so it shall be interesting to see if they're willing to offer reasonable rates to the flood of iPhone users that will surely come.

Submission + - Hybrid Recommendation

whisper_jeff writes: I finally had the chance to watch Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth and it got me thinking (which all good documentaries should do and this was a good documentary). One thing it got me thinking about was hybrid cars, which are becoming more and more popular. I was wondering if slashdot readers had any insights into good hybrids that are worth taking a serious look at. Which are most effecient? Which maintain high performance while cutting emissions? Which cut operating costs drastically to offset the higher purchase price of the hybrid technology? Which, all things considered, are worth considering?

Submission + - Vista Evil?

whisper_jeff writes: Vista kicked my puppy. Proof that Vista's evil or just doesn't like puppies?

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