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Submission + - Two South African Cancer Patients Receive 3D Printed Titanium Jaw Implants (

jigmypig writes: Two patients in South Africa that have had their lives and more specifically their jaws severely affected by cancer, have just received 3D printed jaw implants. The jaws were 3D printed using a laser sintering process that melts powdered titanium, one layer at a time. The process saves a ton of money, and unlike traditional manufacturing of titanium jaws, it doesn't waste any materials. Traditional manufacturing wastes up to 80% of the titanium block used in the process, whereas with 3D printing there is little to no waste at all. This new process also allows for a fully customizable solution. The models are drawn up in CAD software, and then printed out to precisely fit the patient to a tee.

Comment Re:Solaris not well supported by OSS toolchain (Score 1) 183

How you should use shaders...

"My hands are tied. Even though I want to use OpenGL 3.x, I can't. The specs say OpenGL 1. So, can you help me with OpenGL 1 or not?"

I was a programmer, and now I'm a DBA. When I ask for help, people understand that -- for example -- when I say "the machine runs SQL Server 2008R2" that there's zero chance of upgrading to v2012 or v2014 just to solve one itsy problem: there's too much effort involved in QAing a huge production environment.

Comment Re:Solaris not well supported by OSS toolchain (Score 4, Insightful) 183

but when I'm asking about some detail

Can you really not figure out that the solution to such a problem is to add more detail to your question, indicating what you've already researched?

Methinks more people should read "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way".

Comment Re:Solaris not well supported by OSS toolchain (Score 5, Insightful) 183

Why do people always as WHY someone wants something?!

Excellent question, young Padawan.

People often ask for help, assuming an answer and thus embedding it in the question. The experienced helper asks probing questions to see what the asker really wants, and then asks that question. When you're older, you'll understand.

In this case specifically, embedded development typically requires specific "non-consumer" I/O requirements that little hobbyist systems just don't support. Thus, saying BeagleBoard or Udoo or RaspberryPi would steer him wrong.

OTOH, maybe he just doesn't know WTF "embedded" really means and is just tossing out the buzzword du jure, when a used laptop would serve his needs much better.

So, we ask probing questions.

Comment Solaris not well supported by OSS toolchain (Score 2) 183

It's my understanding that "install a bunch of gnu tools" is the first thing that many Solaris sysadmins do on a new system.

Anyway, why do you need a low-power ARM system? The description heading mentions "embedded", but your description mentions irrelevant stuff like Solaris, but not the important stuff like what sort of embedded work you'll be doing: industrial control, point-of-sale, sensor monitoring, etc, etc ad nauseum.

Comment Re:Bah humbug. (Score 1) 415

a bad intermediate language

It, like COBOL, is only bad if you make it bad. (Shelly & Cashman -- may their non-existent souls burn in non-existent Hell for all eternity! -- made COBOL bad. Real experts in the language showed me how good and capable it (even the much maligned COBOL-74) the language. -85 was even better.)

Comment Bah humbug. (Score 1) 415

I like Python, but BASIC on a C-64 VM is what they should first learn.

No need to become an expert in it; maybe just 1/2 of a semester. But with line numbers analogous to memory addresses, GOTO essentially a branch, and GOSUB like subr, they'd get a better sense of what is actually happening in the "h/w", before going to a super-HLL like Python.

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