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Comment Re:jscript (Score 1) 505

To clarify your last statement a bit, TypeScript is designed as a superset of JavaScript. All valid JavaScript is valid TypeScript. All you have to convert your project is say "my project is in TypeScript now," and you can then start adding TypeScript features to your code -- or not -- as you see fit. That's as opposed to Dart, which really is a different language with a different syntax and you have to start over.

Comment Re:jscript (Score 1) 505

The point of C is that it's fast as hell and gives you almost complete control.

No, assembly language is fast as hell and gives you complete control. The point of C is that it gives you almost as much control but makes it easier to build and maintain large systems without you being some kind of semirobotic idiot savant. In other words, C IS a "dumbed down" language, just like some of the other ones people are complaining about.

Comment Re:Replusive (Score 1) 505

The best approach, therefore, is to build a compiler back-end that targets *both* ASM.js *and* (P)NaCl.

Or just compile your code twice, using two different back ends? I don't see much wisdom in building a compiler that tries to do two things at once.

Comment Re:...but if you want free software to improve... (Score 2) 1098

Yes, this is exactly the issue. GPL isn't "more free" than BSD. Quite the opposite. GPL is far less free as it grants the users less freedoms.

The BSD approach is "Here is something nice I made - have it and do what you like, hope you have fun!"
The GPL approach is "Here is something nice I made - you can use it, but if you you have to let me play with you stuff. I don't care that your thing might be vastly better or more complicated than mine, if you're using my stuff you sure better make sure I can use everything you make."

I think you've mischaracterized the GPL approach. By using the personal pronoun, you make it sounds like the GPL forces people who make derivative works to do things for the original developer. That's not the intent at all. The intent is to make sure that people who make derivative works do things for everyone – meaning everyone collectively, not individually. GPL grants users lots and lots of freedoms; the one freedom it does not grant is the freedom for you to withhold from others the freedoms that you yourself enjoy. BSD does grant you that freedom.

Comment Re:This nonsense only works in corporations (Score 1) 437

Consumers will buy another brand without these annoyances

This model already exists:

  • Satellite radio
  • On Star
  • Nav map updates (in some cases)

Enabling heated seats by subscription is an interesting example. It might be a good deal for the consumer depending on how much cheaper a car is without them, with the subscription version, and always available. Pricing would vary by region no doubt. People in desert climates might opt for the subscription where they are primarily useful at night, but people in cold climates might be willing to pay the price for constant availability. The opposite might be true for AC. Pricing various features sounds like it could be more complex than pricing airfares, however.

Comment Why the ©? (Score 3, Informative) 46

What is with all the HAL©, HAL(Circle-C) nonsense in the submission? Is that supposed to be some kind of joke? Looking at the website, the company doesn't style the product name that way. Is it supposed to be some sort of winking reference to copyright (hurrr, hurrr)? Because that doesn't make any sense...

Comment Re:Wait, wait , WAIT a moment. (Score 1) 277

If he has an unregulated rate then the highest I have seen in the past 6 months is $0.12/kWh. However the rates quoted don't include these additional fees on an Enmax bill:

Administrative Charge
Delivery Charges
Transmission Charge
Rate Riders
Local Access Fee.
Then another 5% in federal taxes (GST) on top of it all.

A 5 years fixed rate (just on the electricity charge) can be had for about $0.089/kWh (regulated rate). He could be worse off if he foolishly got a regulated rate through a company like Direct Energy.

My Enmax bill is usually 50% higher than the posted pricer per kW/h when all the fees and charges are added.

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snydeq writes: From the Web to the motherboard to the training ground, InfoWorld offers a look at what's rising in popularity among developers, and what's cooling off. 'Programmers love to sneer at the world of fashion where trends blow through like breezes. That's not to say programming is a profession devoid of trends. The difference is that programming trends are driven by greater efficiency, increased customization, and ease-of-use. The new technologies that deliver one or more of these eclipse the previous generation. It's a meritocracy, not a whimsy-ocracy. What follows is a list of what's hot — and what's not — among today's programmers. Not everyone will agree with what's A-listed, what's D-listed, and what's been left out. But that's what makes programming an endlessly fascinating profession: rapid change, passionate debate, sudden comebacks.'

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