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Comment Re:Skin deep, but that's where the money is ! (Score 1) 175

The two times I used a towncar service it was great. Typically they know the best routes through the city and they pay attention to rider comfort above all else, they do not drive like maniacs and intentionally slow down smoothly. The towncar I used in Chicago 4 years ago did not even have a GPS, he knew the city, something that is rare now.

Comment Re:Skin deep, but that's where the money is ! (Score 0) 175

"or focus on rich people who don't want to travel with unprofessionals."

WE have always had that, It's called hiring a town car. In any town you can make a call and hire a personal drive in a nice BMW 5 or 7 series or Lincoln or other luxury car to drive you everywhere you want and be at your beck and call.

And during "peak uber" pricing, it's cheaper to call a town car company and ride in class instead of some fat guys prius.

Comment Re:Just skin? (Score 2) 175

A lot of that is directly coupled to the health of the rest of the body. Most old people eat like crap and just sit there. Look at highly active fit old people and you notice that they are not suffering the same effects. Old farmers that are well into their 80's that are still working their farm daily heal as fast as their 40 year old self.

Comment Re:AI + organisations will be the real problem (Score 4, Informative) 688

In the USA there are only 2 cities with "perfectly good" public transportation. NYC and Chicago. Everywhere else it's a steaming pile of poop. Why do we have people driving everywhere? Because we have to, there are no other options.

I will be driving from Chicago to Florida in 2 weeks. Why? because it's dramatically cheaper than Flying or taking the train. In fact taking the train from Chicago to Tampa is a 4 day ride that goes from chicago to WashingtonDC on down, and it's $450 per person plus $30 per bag. WTF is that?

Public transportation in the USA is a complete and utter joke.

Comment Re:Public road is not for joy riding... (Score 1) 688

Then start publicly shaming the bad drivers. This is the problem, you can drive like a complete asshole out there and do not have to worry about any responsibility. No fault state laws make it that way. Fight to get rid of "no fault" so that if someone causes an accident then they are 100% liable for ALL damages and losses. The asshole that is doing 80mph on the snow and ice covered roads that loses control crashes and takes out the K-rail? he also get's to pay for $5500 in K rail replacement and $10K of landscape repair, plus insurance gets to refuse to pay for his car because he was at fault.

Yes he does deserve to be financially devastated for being a moron.

Comment Re:Public road is not for joy riding... (Score 1) 688

then take your car to the track. It seems that those people can not control themselves on the public roads so they need to have the ability to drive themselves taken away from them. no you dont have the right to drive 85 in a 55, and you are who is ruining it for the rest of us.

Comment Re:AI + organisations will be the real problem (Score 1) 688

They already are. You have cars that will brake themselves, keep themselves in the lane, even adaptively match speed of the car in front. Everything is there for self driving except one thing, real computer readable markers in the roadways. Until we force all states at gunpoint to embed in the pavement what is needed we will be stuck with trying to make human markings readable by a computer, and then force all car makers, again at gunpoint, to all use a common standard. Yes this does work and you benefit from it. ODB-II was a forced requirement on all car makers, and it improved things for everyone by forcing car makers to stop being assholes.

Embedding magnetics in the roadway is cheap and easy. road side transponders delivering data is cheap and easy. Problem is as a society it is not important, Killing other people in other countries is far more important. until the united states stops being a war mongering country led by war hungry leaders we will have very slow progress.

Comment Re:Durable parts. (Score 1) 175

Brackets for motorcycle restoration. Custom pieces for a set of RGB LED steampunk goggles that I made for a customer that paid for 1/2 the price of my 3d printer.

Stupid crap like a light switch wall plate, at a cost of $5.00 in filiment to replace a $0.49 wall plate.

Made a very cool key hider that allows me to hide a spare key on the car that no thief can find unless they know exactly where to look and even then it's still hard to find.

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