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Comment frack you - biodiesel is wrong (Score 3, Interesting) 591

bio diesel industry is wrong, the benefits you get are obscured by:
- food scarcity
- goverment bonuses to big farmer and big evil (insert monsanto/whatever here)
- patent trolls
- CO positive, because mass farming is OIL intensive industry
- lowest return on the barrel ever
- ecological destruction of habitats
etc etc etc... just go read about it!

Comment Shameful!! (Score 1) 591

That happening on the XXI century, having such a clear violation of human rights (I could quote you on those, but if I recall correctly is the most translated text ever, so RTF UDHR http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml ), is, to say the least, shameful!
Not having official complaints from every other nation proves the state of uncarefulness for your neighbours our societies reached.

Beware! It will happen to you next! (And you have been warned for several years now BTW)

insert mandatory quote here:
" ... Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came...

Comment Re:"Scientists Say" (Score 1) 1276

that doesnt mean that from time to time we couldnt try others no?
i'd like an online idyllic forum, where everyone would reach consensus as to what the best policies for 5 10 20 50 100 1000 years would be, and dynamic enough so it could track and adapt to better solutions to the planning without getting tied to stupid political games and worst.

Hmmm not this one...i'll have to look somewhere else then ;)

Comment Re:Missing the point about Democracy (Score 1) 1276

One of the best comments in a while, which captures the essence of the problem.
of all places, here is where someone should say that the answer is obvious, as it relays on computers and software. Because we obviously cannot be counted upon to have a good government without proper supervision.
"democratically" we cannot see further than a hand full of years. there is no sense of continuity nor public good, because every politician that gets elected needs to warrant the reelection in 4 years, and sometimes that is hard, and sometimes the ones in power (and not necessarily elected) will "get for them" (as in steal) what they can while it lasts, thus damaging the greater good at the expense of their own selves.
but that is to be expected, as such is the primal gene/cortex/whatever that makes man able to think that himself is more worthfull than the others, and while some may resist, without proper supervision it would all
only with true transparency would a "good" government work, and that, as we know, is not the case of any government, as they all keep their secrets and intrigues.


Comment Re:Pathetic (Score 1) 77

Never mind voting, last time the european parlament (with people elected through voting) said no to software patents, the prime ministers tried to overturn the move and aprove a higher yes to patents, which, if I recall correctly, was stopped only because of the polac prime minister, to which all in EU should thank.
Voting, not voting, all bollocks and all the same.

Comment Re:Bitter protest against copyrights (Score 1) 358

  You're right on track here, to support you I quote you article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Article 19.

        * Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

So, anything less of the above, are rights that have been removed from you by lobbys and governments.


Submission + - No more need to print Google maps

johneslashdot writes: Mercedes-Benz launched their send-to-car feature yesterday. It's a service that lets you send Google Maps (and soon Yahoo! Maps) right to your car's nav system. No need for printouts.

From Google LatLong:

Search and Send is a convenient way to plan trips from the comfort of your own home or office. Using Google Maps, you can search for a destination online and send it right to your car. You can even have colleagues or family members send a destination to your car while you're on the road.
Though it just launched yesterday, earlier mention of this was on CNet last week, and on engadget Tuesday.

Submission + - Molecules autonomously propelled by polymerizing D (physorg.com)

ledgearooni writes: The guys over in CalTech have once again published some facinating results using DNA to power a moter. It being powered by the free energy of DNA hybridization. Once again Paul Rothemund is involved with some seriously cool science. What is interesting here is that it operates in solution not on a substrate. http://www.physorg.com/news108291145.html

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