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Comment Re:Normandy? Why not Pearl Harbor? Or Hiroshima? (Score 1) 63

Ever heard about NSN? (100% Nokia since last summer) Or ever heard about Navteq? (100% Nokia since 2007, 80% Market share in map data for car navigation systems) Or the efforts for self-driving cars, together with Mercedes and other biggies in the automotive department? Heard about this project called "Tizen", whose maps are powered by Nokia Maps (HERE Maps) instead of Google? Or maybe you heard about the Kiendle Fire, which uses HERE Map data, because Amazon doesn't want to be too dependant on Google services? No? Yeah, didn't think so...

Comment Re:Nokia's getting what it deserved. (Score 2) 226

You want cheap labor?

How about "you want to produce where you sell"? Or "you want developing countries to ... well ... *develop*"? I see it might be my disadvantage as an employee when companies move their production to other countries, but as a customer I'm happy when they find locations to lower production costs, making the goods more affordable for me. And thinking about fairness, I think if one of the biggest markets is in India , it is also fair to produce there. Being born in a western culture doesn't make us better people; 3rd world workers have a right to compete with us.

You want little environmental regulation?

You are aware that Nokia won a couple of awards over the past years for their efforts to produce eco-friendly?

You want to hide from taxes in your home country?

Now this is ridiculous. The issue at hand is that Nokia did pay the SW tax in their home country, and Indian tax authorities suddenly got it into their head that Nokia should pay taxes for the same transaction in India as well. So exactly the opposite of what you wrote.

Then build in the developing world. But don't cry when the developing world's lack of rules and regulations bite you in the ass with sudden "fees", "taxes", and other sundry costs. You chose to leave your home country to enhance shareholder profits. Surprise, the rest of the world doesn't have to operate according to your shareholder's profit motive.

Where exactly to you see Nokia crying? in your dreams? They defend themselves in court, which seems sensible. They hope for the help of their Government, which would seem sensible if you hadn't ignored the fact that they paid the tax in Finland.

I like to bash big companies and blame them for all our misfortune just as the next guy, but your collection of platitudes just doesn't fit here. Nokia probably also made lots of mistakes.

I'm definitely not an advocate of the free market to solve everything - free market mainly means absence or minimization of regulation, which in the end means to let the strongest rule over the weak. I'd prefer a Government which also protects the weaker and creates an environment to encourage the development of polypolies instead of rewarding monopolies.

Comment Re:First sandwich (Score 1) 730

Hitler was neither handsome (by his own standards; no blond hair, not tall, not very muscular) nor intelligent (no noteworthy education, his military decisions were rather suicidal, his ideas were rather incoherent), nor do I see any particular evidence of fitness. He was ruthless, and a successful demagogue. Since he didn't care for anything but his own success during his lifetime, he was able to build a pyramid of fear, playing SS against SA, keeping them scared of each other, so no-one would oppose him out of fear others will be loyal enough to kill them. Similar system than in totalitarian state, but worse because he didn't care about keeping the system permissive enough to build up a successor or shared power with other parts of an elite. I think if an emperor should be chosen by his genetic attributes, checks for psychological anomalies should be a significant part of the selection process. No psychopaths etc.

What's Causing the Rise In Obesity? Everything. 926

Mr_Blank writes "We all know — because we are being constantly reminded — that we are getting fat. Americans are at the forefront of the trend, but it is a transnational one. Apparently, it is also trans-species: Over the past 20 years, as the American people were getting fatter, so were America's laboratory macaques, chimpanzees, vervet monkeys and mice, as well as domestic dogs, domestic cats, and domestic and feral rats from both rural and urban areas. Researchers examined records on those eight species and found that average weight for every one had increased. The marmosets gained an average of 9% per decade. Lab mice gained about 11% per decade. Chimps are doing especially badly: their average body weight had risen 35% per decade. What is causing the obesity era? Everything."

Comment Re:prove it (Score 1) 29

Not sure that's the same thing. I've known of tools to recode alarm fobs to a car for VW for years (and have used them when I've broken a transponder and didn't want to pay £200 for a replacement from the dealer) but they all require access to the car - e.g. either ODBII interface that's usually under the steering wheel on the underside of the dash (and which needs the key present to power up), or need the old physical key to be inserted and flicked on / off in the ignition. Both options need the car to be unlocked and a key of some sort present. This isn't the same as a drive-by tool that automagically unlocks cars on the street, unless I'm missing something?

Comment Re:Not so fast (Score 1) 289

Free distribution of pictures of a crime can harm as well. Imagine an abused child, living in the knowledge that for all he knows, its teacher, its trainer, maybe when it grows up its potential employer or bank account manager, still wanks of fin the evening to the pictures of its own suffering. I think it makes it quite hard to let the psychological wounds heal. Question is: Is there anything positive that could be achieved by allowing this material to be freely distributed? Like, does it boost moral, can anyone learn something valuable from it, does it help open debate? I think not. So it makes people suffering without bringing any advantage to society. (For fictional material it is a completely different matter, of course.) There is only one reason I could think of to not follow up on such things, but I think it is a convincing one: To follow up on all cases of distribution of such crap, we would need complete surveillance for everyone, and that is too much a price to pay.

Comment Re:Not so fast (Score 1) 289

Maybe, then it is time to redefine child abuse and child porn? There are not only children and adults. A human being old enough to develop a severe interest in sex (lets say, above 12 according to your example of the 13 year old) still needs to be protected and is definitely not an adult. But probably it's also not a child any more, but a youth. We need an additional category if we want to have at least remotely reasonable laws for this topic. For youths, I'd suggest to ban any commercialisation and distribution of pictures, but not punished if the distributor is the one shown in the material. I'd also propose to ban all sexual interactions, be it consensual non.consensual, between adults and children, and to have some limitations for such interactions between adults and youths (e.g. no commercialisation, zero tolerance in case of dependents [school, education, job], taking the actual age into account - 19y old and 17y old shouldn't be a problem, 13y and 19y should IMO)

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