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Comment Re:Federal Law State Law (Score 1) 655

In a technical sense, accepting goods places a burden of debt upon the recipient.

No it doesn't. If I hand you a widget you do not owe me money. If you take a widget from my store without paying for it you still do not owe me money. (You have committed theft though, which may allow me to file suit against you for restitution.) You only owe money when you agree to owe money.

Comment Re:This will pass safety inspections? (Score 1) 113

Notice that the first section where he looks like he is zooming down the road is actually sped up. You can tell by the pixels, and also the water rippling in the background.

He drives in the bike lane because it can't reach road speed. That thing has 12 car batteries in it, and a steel frame with only one electric motor it doesn't have enough juice.

Comment Re:Cue the Zombie film (Score 1) 292

Not a bad idea overall. The stores I've been in are made of concrete blocks with emergency doors made of steel that only open from the inside. Use the walls for an outer perimeter, and then build barricades near the middle of the store for actual living space.

Comment Re:Yeah... (Score 1) 681

They will have plenty of oversight. If they fuck up, they get sued to bankruptcy. If the TSA fucks up then you can't do anything. They are a Federal Agency and have Sovereign Immunity. The entire reason for their existence is to shield the airlines from liability from 9/11, and similar incidents.

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I just need enough to tide me over until I need more. -- Bill Hoest
