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Comment Re:WTF? I am the patient. (Score 4, Insightful) 981

I am colorblind and it is a serious handicap.

Before the euro, my country had two bank notes of similar color. I couldn't tell one from the other by color. One of 10 times the value of the other. On a few occasions, I received more change than expected.

I can't open an atlas and use it like you normally would. On every high school exam, the teacher had to help.

I am also a physicist and I couldn't do the spectra analysis practicum during my first year of study. I am likewise limited in the amount of colors I can use to graph data. Some data are multicolored 2D contour plots. Either I have to ask someone what the values are or make educated guesses or apply other time consuming tricks.

On the traffic lights, red is up, green is bottom. I hope they never change it/make it random or my life will be cut short.

It limits my options in life. I can never be a chemist for example.

I also feel I am missing out on some of the beauty in the world.

And so on and so on.

If someone loses a leg in an accident, do you deny him a wheel chair or prosthetic limb? Do you deny someone glasses as their eyesight deteriorates with old age? What about someone who is born deaf? Do you do deny that person the hearing aid implant?

I am colorblind and I want a cure, damnit !!!!
The Almighty Buck

How Do You Measure a Game's Worth? 188

RamblingJosh writes "Video games can be very expensive these days, especially with so many great games on the horizon. So I wonder: how exactly do you get the most gaming entertainment for your dollar? '... the first thing I personally thought about when approaching this was money spent versus time played. Using Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions as an example: I bought the game for about $30 Canadian, and played it for roughly 85 hours. That comes out to 2.83 hours per dollar spent, a pretty good number. In this case, the game was a lot of fun and it was cheap, and so the system works fairly well. There are so many other things to think about, though. What if the game wasn't so good? What about the fact that it's portable? ... What about the new content? Multiplayer?'"

A Hyper-Velocity Impact In the Asteroid Belt? 114

astroengine writes "Astronomers have spotted something rather odd in the asteroid belt. It looks like a comet, but it's got a circular orbit, similar to an asteroid. Whether it's an asteroid or a comet, it has a long, comet-like tail, suggesting something is being vented into space. Some experts think it could be a very rare comet/asteroid hybrid being heated by the sun, but there's an even more exciting possibility: It could be the first ever observation of two asteroids colliding in the asteroid belt."

Comment looks good on paper (Score 1) 104

Ah, another slashvertisement.
It might look good on paper, but maybe not in actual usage. There is probable a depth difference between the two screens due to screen thickness, unless one folds back and/or the other one forward. I can't tell from the picture. Another more obviously issue is the black edge right in the middle of your view. Am I supposed to use my perifial vision or turn my head constantly?

Comment Re:Okay, so where's the ball lightning? (Score 1) 168

Yeah well, I have seen ball lighting being produced in a demonstration at my university. The problem is that I can't remember the name of the student who did it (it was a master project, if you can believe it), nor do I know if the results are already published. Besides this article, I didn't find anything else. If you want to know more, contact the professor (Kroesen) of this group: He will know for certain. I am not working for this group, although I know the people there.

Comment Re:Let's Put Belgium To Sleep (Score 2, Interesting) 267

>And Flemish "territorial integrity" ?! Who the _fuck_ are you to decide where your fellow countrymen can reside?
A large part of the country is french speaking, the other part is dutch speaking. When the Flemish move to Wallonia, they adapt and learn French. When the Walloons move to Flanders (mostly in the area around Brussels), they continue to speak French and expect the locals to adapt to them. After a few decades of refusing to adapt and learn the local language, the french speaking population has become the majority. Now they demand that the original Dutch-speaking village should no longer be part of the Flemish territory but part of Brussels. In my opinion, that is annexing. I don't care where they live, but they should have the decency to adapt and learn the local language. Until 50 years or so ago, Dutch was looked upon as the language of peasants and French was the defacto language. The Flemish are embracing their language and culture and taking control of their own future.

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