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Comment Re:What about MaxiPad? (Score 3, Insightful) 286

Life was much easier back in the day with my zip drive, voodoo 3, and Pentium 2 MMX overdrive. That thing had loads of EDO RAM. Adding the Kittyhawk was just overkill, but I'd like to think the Diamond Stealth 64 ensured that "outside" was just a concept. Poor bastard down the street had an Audrey 2000, and my brother got my old Sinclair 1000! (lol!)

Still far superior to the Adam though....

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score 1) 265

This has nothing to do with saving hundreds of thousands of lives, get real pal. This is because of the billions of dollars in advertising, marketing, and swag associated with the event. The biggest advertisers in the world have spent tens of millions just getting ready for it.

If there was a terrorist attack during the event, it would hurt the economy very deeply for years to come as people avoided the event.

Additionally it isn't a few tens of millions, the Iraq war is already in the trillions, we have scanners that cost hundreds of millions, the shredding of our founding document, the list goes on and on. All in the name of fighting terrorism to hide the failed foreign policy of the past 60 years.

A few tens of million.... that's some funny fucking shit right there.

Comment Re:I've got to hand it to the administration (Score 4, Insightful) 276

One can't help but wonder why they would ever have opened up these channels of communication. What did they expect to get as concerns? Technically the Executive has no power to do anything about any of this, so why bother with the dialogue? Every issue has to be resolved in the other two branches, so what did they hope to accomplish?

Unless of course they're just compiling a list...

Comment Re:Id releases Engine, tech demo... (Score 1) 192

Since Bethesda bought id, they are no longer licensing their engines...

Bethesda is starting to depress me between this, the state of Brink and Rage, and they aren't really targeting pc anymore either.

No extra love for the people that made them what they are. (And with them buying id, well you can put it all together...) Though one could argue mods, though they claim mods will work for consoles I seriously doubt it will work correctly.

Sort of depressing. I've been playing since Arena. I suffered through the quest-items-stuck-in-walls Daggerfall, the interesting openness and towns of Morrowind, to the bland homogeneity of Oblivion. It's a shame there are not many PC purist companies left. Things are starting to get a little too cookie cutter and the bugs just get worse and worse. Meanwhile one of the omega developers of an entire genre got sucked into a company that's losing touch with it's roots. Sad, sad times...

Comment Re:Germans and humour... (Score 1) 121

I don't know that actually sounds pretty damn fun. I'm pretty sure I could fly it if the spawn point wasn't too far away. First thing I'd do is buzz the space station and give the astronauts in there something to talk about besides dried strawberries and Nintendo at 0 gravity.

Hopefully easier than Lunar Lander...

Comment Re:The issue wasn't raising prices (Score 1) 574

I'm on the fence about Netflix these days, but it's not because of price. I can't navigate the site quickly anymore, and I usually end up watching something totally lame because I don't want to wait for the crap to scroll and there is no list view that I can find. It's like a giant picturebook for kids. Really annoying. I realize I was losing interest when Hulu became easier to use and navigate... : /

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