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Comment Re:The problem is chicken little (Score 1) 1181

This is stupid 10 ways to Sunday. No wonder you're posting AC. To list just one example:

The real shame is that while they've been preaching, real issues are being ignored. Mountain top mining goes on. Coal ash fallout continues. The irony is that if they addressed these real and obvious concerns about which few disagree, then carbon emissions would be reduced as a side effect.

Yeah, nobody in the climate change community talks about mining

Comment Re:I am not worried about it (Score 1) 1367


From extreme drought, heat waves and floods to unprecedented tornado outbreaks, hurricanes, wildfires and winter storms, a record 14 weather and climate disasters in 2011 each caused $1 billion or more in damages — and most regrettably, loss of human lives and property

Comment Re:There is no denying the Earth is getting hotter (Score 2) 877

Just like the current global warming debate, climatologists noticed and extremely slight rise in average temperature (less than 1 degree C), and immediately started asking what WE were doing to cause it.

You are quite mistaken on cause and effect.

Actually, the theory of greenhouse gases was understood over 100 years ago, and scientists like Arrhenius made some early predictions that increased CO2 could increase the climate. This was long before we were able to measure a significant increase in global temperature.

If you have an explanation for why increased CO2 would not have a greenhouse effect, please submit your results to a reputable, peer-reviewed journal.

Comment Re:Congress, our representatives? (Score 1) 302

Agreed. This comment:

If the government were not in a position to grant special favors to companies because it is regulating everything in sight, then business would have no use buying off politicians.

cuts two ways: businesses would not need to buy off politicians because they would control us directly.

Comment Re:Which side of the bread is buttered? (Score 1) 967

Were they allowed to release the study in general or did the Koch brothers give them express permission to do so? It seems like they'd have ordered a suppression for something so counter to their interests.

Apparently the paper has not been published yet. So we'll have to see.


Prof Phil Jones, the CRU scientist who came in for the most personal criticism during "Climategate", was cautious about interpreting the Berkeley results because they have not been published in a peer-reviewed journal. "I look forward to reading the finalised paper once it has been reviewed and published," he said.

Comment Re:Beside the point? (Score 1) 967

Following your metaphor, The first priority is for the pilot to safely land the plan. Meanwhile, you'd probably want every single plane of the same model to be inspected before flying.

If there is 20 years of solid evidence that your fuel is making the engine explode, you'd be pretty stupid to keep using that fuel.

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You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
