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Comment Stream DVDs (Score 1) 574

If a movie comes out in DVD form, it should be out in streaming form at the same time. If they want to eliminate physical DVDs then they also need to allow the streaming only to get the same movies, or else they should charge LESS for streaming since it has a smaller selection.

Why can't they have the DVDs ripped so you can stream the entire contents anyway? Lets say they have it so a certain number of people can check it out at once, and you only have access to that checked out disc, then you return it and check out a new one. It doesn't seem like it should be any different MPAA licensing than sending discs to people as long as they are only being viewed by as many people as they have purchased copies of the disc or licenses, or however they do that.

Comment Re:Photoshop (Score 1) 126

But is your clock often 3 YEARS wrong? I've found in the past, stuff goes weird when your clock is that wrong. SSL certificates fail on websites for one.

Also, they are using a new motherboard. Even if the clock was reset it should be the current year. My motherboard from last year doesn't default to 2008, it defaults to 2010 when it is reset.

Comment Semantics maybe... (Score 1, Insightful) 140

They made a WAN using wireless technology. Big fucking deal. And don't say that 'they are in a third world country so it's a big deal'. It isn't about money when it comes to technology, it is about brains, it doesn't always require money to be smart. I'm sure everybody I know makes more money than most people in Afghanistan and not a single one of them could do this, so money makes people dumb as far as I can tell.

When are people going to realize that making a big deal about what country a person is from when they do something is a big reason for xenophobia. All humans have the same genes and therefore the same ability to do the same exact thing. It shouldn't matter if you are from California or Zimbabwe.

Comment Kindle Store? (Score 1) 99

I'm assuming the benefit of this would be to use the Kindle store, but are there books you can get from Amazon that you can't get from B&N?

Using the epub (and PDF) format, it seems to be a lot more open, I know the libraries here support the Nook but not the Kindle because of it's format.

I understand the android market being cool on the NOOKColor, but on the eink screen, I can't think of many apps working well.

Comment Re:microwave (Score 1) 248

We bought a new panasonic microwave that would kill my wi-fi when it was running. The magnetron was faulty, so I returned it.

After that I decided to never buy appliances from newegg. Not their fault, but 20 dollars shipping to get it, then 40 to send it back... paying sales tax would have been cheaper by far.

Comment Correlation? (Score 1) 456

I don't understand what happened here. He was born in Thailand. Lived there for 35 years. Moved to the United States. Lived there for 30 years. During that time he posted a blog that if he was in Thailand when he posted it, he would have gotten in trouble. Later, he traveled to Thailand for a medial procedure (wtf can he get done in Thailand that he can't get done in the US, maybe a brain transplant?).

Is there part of the medical paperwork where it asks for your blog posts in the past 10 years? Was he on a 'blog watch list' and apprehended as he entered the country?

There is part of the story that is being left out, what I think is the most important part.

Comment What is "illegal"? (Score 2) 411

What do they mean Illegal Information? Information that is false? Information that is true, but could cause panic? Information that is retrieved by illegal means such as the wikileaks type information?

Unless they make a list of what is illegal so people know what type of information will be censored, they will have the ability to censor anything they want.

Comment Re:Anonymous represents something new (Score 1) 321

I think the point is that there is no true "organization of Anonymous" people. There may be 10 members, there may be 10 million members. Some may want to hurt Sony, some may not want to. So nobody can truly say whether anonymous does or doesn't do anything. When terrorist organizations with true leaders attack somebody, there is always someone to speak them.

If anonymous has leaders, they aren't anonymous. If they have a list of members, they aren't anonymous. So either they are a organization named "Anonymous" that is not anonymous, or they are anonymous and therefore not a true organization.

To put it another way. Slashdot allows you to post as Anonymous, does that mean they are an organization and when somebody posts as Anonymous are they speaking for others?

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