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Comment Re:Free market means exactly that ! (Score 1) 405

Free market, bitches! Suck it you socialist faggots!

Free market means exactly that - if the vendors do something despicable the customers stop doing business with them and choose other vendors who won't do similarly despicable things to them.

The only problem is that people continue to support the companies that do despicable things, in theory, because it seems most don't care as long as it doesn't interrupt their fast food and reality tv.

Comment Re:Not only in the US... (Score 0) 168

Educated masses are not useful to Conservative political parties.

Fixed that for you.

Wow the stupid flows strongly with this one.

Uneducated masses are more akin to treating political parties as a religion instead of being able to see that things have more than one side. Political parties serve no other purpose that to divide a nation. Pit one against another, thus shading the truth and misdirecting on things that should be the primary focus.

So continue your silly blame the opposite party for all that is wrong with the world, or open your eyes and see that both sides are controlled by the same puppeteer.

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 513

We should ban talking altogether. Terrorists have been known to use speech in training as well as in the execution of terrorist attacks. Child pornographers and drug cartels are also frequent users of speech.

We should ban breathing as well... terrorists, child pornographers, drug cartels, users, criminals, illegals, and bad guys all breath.

Comment It has been known for years (Score 1) 923

It has been known for years that the NSA has a handle on all internet traffic, as well as cellular activities. They store it compile it, and if enough of it raises a red flag, some men in suits come to pay you a visit. Home of the free (to be spyed upon), Land of the brave (only once we have enough information on you).

Comment Internal Termoil. (Score 2) 73

This one has me torn... On one hand I would like to see companies held accountable for the damage that a breach can cause to an end consumer... the other side of me knows that you can only deter so much, if someone really wants in, they will gain access one way or another...

Comment Re:Tough (Score 1) 870

3. Tough about the English requirement. You are in the USA, and our language is English. And in a physics class, there shouldn't be that much to look up anyways. If you must have a dictionary, you can buy really cheap paperback ones. You think I get access to a dictionary when I take a test, or any book for that matter? NO!

Last time I checked, America had no official language, not that I disagree totally with what you say.

No test should ever need a calculator if setup properly. It should only require basic math skills. If it must require knowledge of square roots and such, make a table available or make it so that the final calculations are ridiculously easy (like square root of 9). You are testing physics concepts, not math. And if you can't handle basic math and basic English, how did they ever get into college in the first place?

This isn't a horrible idea


Submission + - GameStop Pulls Medal of Honor from Military Bases

donniebaseball23 writes: EA's Medal of Honor reboot doesn't ship until October 12, but it's already seen a fair amount of controversy thanks to the publisher's decision to allow people to play as Taliban in multiplayer. The controversy just got escalated another notch, reports IndustryGamers, as the world's biggest games retailer GameStop has decided it won't sell the title at its stores located on U.S. Military bases. The new Medal of Honor won't be advertised at these stores either. GameStop noted that they came to this decision "out of respect for our past and present men and women in uniform."

Submission + - Scammers using fake copyright infringement notices (

suraj.sun writes: Scammers using fake copyright infringement notices for profit:

The French "high authority" that oversees the country's three strikes anti-P2P file-sharing campaign is now being used by spammers and scammers who attempt to trick people out of their cash by accusing them of copyright violations.

The e-mails have appeared in recent days, purporting to come from France's HADOPI. This is the government group that will accept file-sharing complaints from movie and music rightsholders, then issue sanctions and fines to users, with Internet disconnection and blacklisting the ultimate penalty.

Scammers hope to capitalize on the publicity surrounding HADOPI, which has pledged to start sending out its first warning letters soon. The e-mails purport to come from HADOPI, charging that the recipient was detected sharing files, and they direct the user to website to make a payment.

"As expected, this is classic Internet," said HADOPI's Secretary General Eric Walter to Agence France Press yesterday. He advised recipients to exercise caution and not to turn over bank details or personal information.

ARS Technica:

GNU is Not Unix

Submission + - glibc - finally it's Free software (

WebMink writes: "Despite the fervour of some, the dark secret of every GNU/Linux distribution is that, until August 18 this year, it depended on software that was under a non-Free license — incompatible with the Open Source Definition and non-Free according to Debian and the FSF. A long tale of tenacity and software archeology has finally led to that software appearing under the 3-clause BSD — ironically at the behest of an Oracle VP. The result is that glibc, portmap and NFS are no longer tainted. Free at last! Free at last!"

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